
Author Topic: Who the fuck am I? What's my identity? My purpose... and why I^2 of all places?  (Read 1482 times)

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Offline Genesis

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He is probably cleaning up a few things because of the Hurricane in his neck of the woods.

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Offline Genesis

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One of my cousins got engaged... means that he is the 6th male cousin in my family all together to do so.

:( Here I am, stuck in weird bachelorhood living as an Auti-Jani trying to figuring out his life ambitions. Seriously what the fuck!


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Offline Genesis

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Also why the fuck is it taking so long to lose weight!?!

The first weigh-in was at least 359 lbs

then after that it was 343 lbs

now it's around 338 lbs

-__- WTF!?!

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Offline sg1008

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Also why the fuck is it taking so long to lose weight!?!

The first weigh-in was at least 359 lbs

then after that it was 343 lbs

now it's around 338 lbs

-__- WTF!?!

Hey congratulations on loosing weight! every little bit is a good victory. If you loose weight too fast, it could be unhealthy for you. A gradual downward trend is great.  :2thumbsup:

btw, how have you been Genesis?
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

Offline Minister Of Silly Walks

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Gen, what are you doing to try to lose weight?

Maybe you're like me. Maybe you don't do moderation very well. Intermittent fasting works well for me. Most dietary advice is crap. Do your own research and find what works for you.

Are you on any medication that might be making it difficult for you to lose weight?
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Offline Jack

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Sounds like good progress, Genesis. Do you know what 20lbs of fat looks like? Congratulations.

Offline Genesis

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Also why the fuck is it taking so long to lose weight!?!

The first weigh-in was at least 359 lbs

then after that it was 343 lbs

now it's around 338 lbs

-__- WTF!?!

Hey congratulations on loosing weight! every little bit is a good victory. If you loose weight too fast, it could be unhealthy for you. A gradual downward trend is great.  :2thumbsup:

btw, how have you been Genesis?

I've been okay... just a lot on my mind lately. Mainly that I want to get out of the janitor job that I am in. But first thing is figuring out my priorities with school.

Gen, what are you doing to try to lose weight?

Maybe you're like me. Maybe you don't do moderation very well. Intermittent fasting works well for me. Most dietary advice is crap. Do your own research and find what works for you.

Are you on any medication that might be making it difficult for you to lose weight?

Yeah... I was on two pills of a med called Zyprexa.

I'm doing what I can with moderation, and the exercise I do is walking a lot at work... especially since I'm a cleaner at a big box store in the states.

I had issues with my weight because of overeating, and my medication. It was worse after I fractured my leg because I fell into a deep depression... a depression that I didn't want my friends to see me in. Friends that I am close to in real life that is.

Sounds like good progress, Genesis. Do you know what 20lbs of fat looks like? Congratulations.

The nurse is cute... but the Fat she is carrying....  :headhurts:

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Offline Bastet

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Congratulations on the weight loss , Genesis!  :congrats:

It is far better for people to hate you for doing the right thing than for people to love you for doing the wrong thing. Never ever forget that.

Offline Jack

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The nurse is cute... but the Fat she is carrying....  :headhurts:
It was intended to be encouraging. It's easy to be discouraged, but every pound should come with a sense of accomplishment. Here's what only one pound of fat looks like.

Being so sedentary and stress eating the last year of previous job position, gained quite a bit of weight, so Jack is trying to lose weight too. While looking for these photos, realized it's possible to purchase a pound of fat replica model. Might buy myself one as a reminder during those moments of discouragement. :laugh:

Offline sg1008

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[scrolls past all the fat photos to get here  :hide:]

Psst! Genesis!
Hey, yeah Zyprexa is notorious for increasing appetite.

Good luck with getting out of the job. It can make all the difference.
Can't you guys even just imagine it?

Forget practicality, or your experience....can you just....imagine?

It's there. It always was.

Offline Minister Of Silly Walks

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Gen, just sharing here.

"Everything in moderation" is one of those really bad bits of dietary advice that gets thrown around a lot. If us fat people were good at moderation, we wouldn't be fat in the first place.

If it works for you, great. If you are struggling with it, maybe try something different?

My dietary needs are different to yours. I sit at a desk all day. You are doing light to moderate physical exercise most of the day. I don't need to be well fed on a regular basis, so intermittent fasting works well for me.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline renaeden

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Genesis, how did you break your leg? How is your leg now?  Sorry if you have already explained this.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

Offline Genesis

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Genesis, how did you break your leg? How is your leg now?  Sorry if you have already explained this.

2013 I was on my way to meet up with my mother at Church. I slipped on the sidewalk near an AA place, and a Barber shop near my house. I heard a pop in my ankle, and I didn't know what to do. It was winter at the time, and I couldn't stand up after I fell. I slipped on Ice, and when I got to the ER, they said I had a spiral fracture within my tibia.

They placed a plate and 8 screws in the leg holding it together, yet while I was recuperating, I kept getting swollen in the ankle of the leg I broke.

They were against the idea of removing the plate, and screws... saying I would be worse without them. I'm only slightly better, yet I still have irrational fears of slipping on Ice, with my leg reacting to the cold chills of the Chicago weather. (Old man Arthur probably came to me too early than expected) 

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Offline Genesis

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Gen, just sharing here.

"Everything in moderation" is one of those really bad bits of dietary advice that gets thrown around a lot. If us fat people were good at moderation, we wouldn't be fat in the first place.

If it works for you, great. If you are struggling with it, maybe try something different?

My dietary needs are different to yours. I sit at a desk all day. You are doing light to moderate physical exercise most of the day. I don't need to be well fed on a regular basis, so intermittent fasting works well for me.

There's still a lot for me to go on with my weight loss though... I need a better exercise plan, especially since I'm taking time off from work at the end of the month. I did get my medication decreased under the authorization of my doctor... I just don't know what to do next.

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Congrats with your weight loss  Genesis. Slow is better than fast, I'm told.

I could do with some weigt loss too. Past few months I gained some. My shirts and trousers tell me so. Stress induced lethargy and snacking...

I need to cut back on snacking at idle moments. Moving a bit more is not a bad idea either. I know that will help. It once did me lose 20 pounds in a year.

And Jack, I soo wanted to plus you.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!