Almost nobody who is a racist is actually aware that they are a racist. We (humans) absorb these attitudes and behaviours before we are old enough to realize that prejudice exists.

Someone has been drinking the Intersectional "unconscious bias" bullshit.
The white trash rednecks I grew up with in the Midwest were fully aware that they were racists and were quite proud of it.
It doesn't take a genius to realize when you're stereotyping based only on skin color.
I'm not a racist, but I can't stand niggers, gooks, spics....

I'm not racist but I'm definitely a culture-alist (why doesn't English have a word for this?)
When you follow MLK's credo of "judge people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin", what you find is that content of character tends to follow micro-cultures.
I didn't get along with the culture that existed in small town Nebraska, that was more of a primitive honor culture like what you'd find in the middle east.
On the other hand, I had no problem getting along with the middle class black kids I grew up with in California, who were often fellow Air Force brats.