Ok, now that we agree what both of you are, can we get along with the dictatorship as usual?
Oh I dunno. That is part of the issue. Herr Odeon struggles with reality. I am a piece of crap. I am a troll and a flamer and a provocateur. I am hardly a role model or a moral lighthouse guiding others to safe harbour. But I am what I am and I have no issue with my short-comings. The reality of me is not disguised to anyone here. Anyone here fights with me and I will drag them into the mud and we will both come out messy for the altercation but there is nothing underhanded or unknown.
But Herr Odeon is a different animal. Odeon is a pretender. He pretends he is smarter than what he is. He is exactly the type of person that based on fuck all information will absorb new clips and headlines and build a narrative around this and cling to the generalities and narratives around this like the were truths dictated from the history books or God. He touts moral superiority like he was living a moral life free of any moral incursion whilst we all know is complete bullshit because most of the dwindling membership know Lucifer.
He is also recently taken to Admin abuse and threats which is about as stupid as anyone could grab=nt someone given the forum propensity on the internet and the rate of new threads and new membership on here.
Guy is a complete and unadulterated tool .