What I hate about these whiners is the lack of personal responsibility. There problems are the fault of everyone in the world other than themselves. If they beat someone up, the beat person is to blame for not being able to handle their autistic rage properly. etc etc.

It is their unreasonable sense of entitlement that gets to me.
Airports have a whole infrastructure dedicated to getting people in wheelchairs to their planes, but that does not mean they have to listen to someone verbally abuse them, even if the person has a disability. It looked to me like "Kassiane" did not get to the airport early enough, but that's not the airline's fault and it was no reason for her to go postal on them after she got there late and then waited in the wrong line. Even if they had let her skip the America West line completely, she still would not have gotten to her plane on time in just five minutes, because she would still have to go through the security line. My husband flies in and out of the Boston airport all the time and traffic there is
always terrible unless it is the middle of the night and he arrives at the airport an hour and a half to two hours before his plane is schedued to take off. It's human nature to be kinder to people who are kind themselves and to be less patient with someone who is screaming in your face, "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!" after the person asks them to calm down.