I found this a bit much (and they wonder why NTs bully them!)
by violet_yoshi on Friday, November 10 @ 17:57:04 EST
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I would've told the managerial woman, "Obviously your disability training did nothing. Stop whining about how you did it, like a child accused of not doing their homework. Clearly they only care to train you about how to handle VISABLE disabilities, not deal with people who have NON-VISABLE disabilities. That's right, some people are disabled but don't look disabled. I know how scary that is, and how it makes you want to run to mommy. It's a fact of life, and unless you want a lawsuit, you're going to have to learn to deal with it. I am not a child, and you will not treat me as such. I am a person upset for missing my flight, because of YOUR inability to DO YOUR JOB!" I bet if that happened, I'd be on an episode of Airline.