Here's the thing: you lie, knowingly.
I don't.
This is perhaps the most disturbing thing odeot has posted to date. If this is sincere (I doubt it), it would mean that odeot's deceit is pathological, he's not even aware that he's lying to people. That would make him a very, VERY sick person. Although it's most likely that he's just lying about his lying here.
When I met PPK in Stockton, he went on a rant about how dishonest odeot was in debates about gun issues. His opinion about odeot was severely diminished after that.
I know you met PPK too Al, did he say anything about odeot's dishonesty??
Yes and no. That is no he did not mention anything about Odeon's very real dishonesty and yes Odeon is pathological in his lying. But I think he is definitely aware of this on some level which is why he goes to such efforts to not back himself.
I think there is some weird psychological feedback thing happening. His ego causes him to virtue signal his "intellect" and "morality" and rail against those that do not hold the same ideological lines. Shine the torch onto his shortcomings and inconsistencies or simply his stupid reasoning, then he can't handle this and so instead of admit to such things as being wrong, irrational, petty, weak, cowardly or dishonest, his psyche rebels and his ego pushes him to distract, lie, contradict, or avoid rather than face truths. I think though he is aware of this. I think deep down he knows he is NOT moral or honest or intellectual. He is a scummy guy who wants to present himself as something a little better and more than what he is.