Mkay, back on topic. I think stabbing people can be used for good. And I don't like that the fact that they felt AS needed to come into play on it, since AS doesn't directly cause homicidal tendancies. I have mixed emotions about whether this situation was for good or for ill. If I had to put it to a vote I would say bad because I don't want to lose my membership to sane society. But still, some part of me feels satisfaction that at least someone in some situation actually struck out against the assholes that plagued them in school, I think to make me feel better about all the times I couldn't strike back at the assholes in school.
And I would like to make a point that I feel like this kid was relatively normal.
I don't like trying to make out people like this as insane or ignorant or stupid, or that different from us, because I think it is an attempt to lie to ourselves about human nature. Trying to tell ourselves that normal people don't get so angry that they would be willing to kill. And I think that is a foolish attitude, not only is it disrespectful to everyone who has ever been enraged(not to mention rightfully), or pushed to despair to the point of killing themselves, it is detrimental to the correction of the situation. If only crazy people kill then it isn't our responsibility to be nicer or try to give some people extra help, they're just crazy, luck of the draw.
Perhaps this kid was really crazy(to some degree) but I still don't like it when people do that, and you can see why it would be harmful to do it.