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You know what I don't get?

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Gopher Gary:
Hey. What happens in the gopher hole, stays in the gopher hole.  >:(

rock hound:
The arrogance of some twat waffles is beyond belief.  Friendship with one hand and stab in the back with the other.  Judgementals R' us.


--- Quote from: Calandale on July 24, 2018, 11:15:06 AM ---The alignment of issues/ideology with personal animus.

I understand how a discussion can get heated over a handful of threads, and people can escalate them
into hateful attacks. I don't see why the hell it spills out into every other conversation that is had.

It's as though these folks allow their views on a handful of issues to taint every fucking interaction they have, and it's boring as hell.

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You and I have had a few arguments on a few threads and seconds later one of us was responding to the other in another thread where we were joking around about something or comparing dicks or blades or something all in good fun, then another  "escalated"  comment in the argument thread or some such.

I kind of get this.

I lean toward the idea that not all intelligence is evidenced by how people interact. I also suspect that not all elegant interaction is inherently confirming of intellectual processes.  Separations between true distrust or outright disgust or innate hostility and undefined doubt or simple questions should be clearly checker-boarded in ones mind before a discussion begins.  Then talk about things.
NO one is always wrong about everything.
...... generally.


--- Quote from: Insert User on July 24, 2018, 04:13:53 PM ---Quit looking at my personal animus, Calandale.  :zoinks:

--- End quote ---

I think you should keep you animus to yourself.

Yep. I mean, I dislike what Odeon does in terms of what I see as over-moderation, but I don't see that
as, a priori, reducing the discussion to nothing else. Scrap and I are probably pretty diametrically opposed politically,
but it doesn't seem that we get into these matches.

Maybe it's because I don't care enough about the external ideology though to want to punch someone
for not seeing it my way. The closest that came to that for me was the unwillingness to seriously
undertake running the site democratically, with appropriate checks - because I 'knew' too much
about what goes wrong in such cases. In some ways though, that was still a matter of play or experimentation,
with a curiosity as to just how far people would denigrate stated ideals - at least as it played out.
The shitty part (for me) was the <rodent hole> it generated towards me.


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