The dioom III soundtrack, ripped.
Currently the dark ambient 'vega processing' background. The original doom series games were well ahead of their day IMO. but what doom, doom II and final doom, ultimate doom and user WAD files did for the originals, slick fucking grapics in doom III, and who the fuck wouldn't want to pack a chainsaw for a trip to hell if they were off to go demon-bashing
Thought for a military scif the doom movie, they did well, for backstory, despite you just KNOWING its gonna get demon-ey pretty fucking quicktime though; although they shouldn't have had the marines in the movie, fire a BFG through a wall, slagging a great chasm through metal and steel, leaving irradiated-looking molten glass dripping from the BFG plasma bolt impact site, and then the onlt other shot being to accompany the inevitable possessed squaddie 'how many rounds you got in the chamber' '(BFG guy, troop leader of a special ops team) to the last living member 'I got one round', then blasting it straight past the doom marine, when in the game, it rips everything or almost everything to shreds, and a BFG headshot is perfect in III for levelling say, an arch-vile, or mancubus, so obviously, they should have showed off at least one uber-messy gibbing , its asking for it really including a Big Fuckin' Gun, in the movie, basically the biggest sodding beast of a weapon around in the original doom games, and have something like a 3-on one fight, where the demon massively outclasses all of the marines, messily dismembers one like a sadistic child pulling the legs off a fly, only to beat the others senseless and send them reeling, then out it should have come, right in the face, and a body covered in a rain of boiling glass that used to be solid rock, not a bloody misfire, that sort of movie or game 'prop' isn't there for dialogue, its there for sticking it up someone's arse and painting hades a fetching eyeball shade of blue-green-red-white with chunky bits in there, or else just cutting straight through something big and ugly at the worst moments for there to be a big ugly critter looking to rip you anew.