
Author Topic: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?  (Read 3892 times)

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Offline Tom/Mutate

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #60 on: July 24, 2018, 02:06:39 PM »
Suffice to say, I'm in a much better place mentally than I was when I started this thread, have grown up a lot and hopefully have more compassion and maturity. I don't recognise myself in my old posts

Offline Lestat

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #61 on: July 24, 2018, 02:45:09 PM »
The question is, not 'can you be a liberal and still hate...'

But rather 'who the fuck DOESN'T hate bloody pikey charver tosspots!' :autism:

Slimy little skrotes are the lowest, most primitive form of life known to mankind. If you made a pikey tosser any simpler, you'd have a prion (thought originally to be a newly recognized non-bacterial, non-viral, acellular life. They are in fact, rather, misfolded proteins unable to perform the function the native, correctly folded protein is meant to within the central nervous system, and they clump up, clog and basically gunk up the synapses and cells with polymerized proteinaceous shite, that turns the victim's brain to a spongy, atrophied diseased mass of crap. 'organisms' being such as   scrapie, in sheep, exotic ungulate encephalopathy in some ruminants, BSE, and in people, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, fatal familial insomnia (a really awful disease, thankfully extremely rare, people are born with a predisposition to the misfolding, and the problem is, once it happens, prions not only misfold, but they cause the native, correctly folded form of the prion to misfold also, launching an autocatalytic avalanche whereby the start is slow, many, many years or decades, but once you get one molecule, that'll make two, two, four, four, sixteen, etc. etc. and kick off a feedback loop of production of these toxic protein isoforms with no negative regulation, that don't get cleared away, and the result is the victim's brain turns to mush. In FFI, the symptoms are a bit different, and altogether nastier, the localization is in parts of the brain needed to sleep. One becomes totally, utterly unable to sleep. Ever. Even surgical anaesthetics don't work. And you yourself into the ground as your brain turns to a slush puppy, dying eventually of sleep deprivation over at most, several years, although usually not so long lived as that.

Or kuru, the shaking sickness known among the Fore tribe of new guinea, they ate people, as a funerary rite, IIRC it was more found amongst the women and the children, or they received the larger dose and were more likely to develop the universally fatal, as with all prion diseases, Kuru, because the kids and the women got the less desirable bits, like brains, spinal matter to eat when a relative infected with the disease passed away, most likely before showing symptoms, due to the extremely slow initial burning of the 'fuse' before the prion concentration in the nervous system reaches critical mass and causes the signs of disease.

If pikeys were a lower form of life than they are, they'd be prions. They are pretty close. A blob of proteinaceous crap with poisonous properties that reproduces uncontrollably and seems to turn the host's brain to something like a superglue milkshake in terms of intellectual capacity and form. Poisonous shit with no conceivable value to mankind, and for which a cure ought to be researched and applied the moment it becomes possible.

Or of course, round them all up, dump them on some remote atoll in the middle of the ocean, and turn the place to smoking irradiated glass with a neutron bomb of low tactical range yield. Wipe out all life within a radius of say, 20km with a burst of neutron radiation and cleanse the world of its disgusting charver infestation.

On the darwinian scale, I'd put them somewhere between a tick-infesting virus, and a prion. Only with the charm of neither, and the sex appeal of a bloated, blood-engorged diseased tick; that really ought to be stepped on with a boot heel as soon as possible. Vile little creatures. Or maybe, better for the environment, build a gigantic woodchipper with a conveyor belt, ideally electrified, dump out the load of chavscum like the turds they are, right into a several tens of meters wide woodchipper. Use the resultant mulch, after burning to detoxify it, as fertilizer. Every last stinking virulent poisonous noxious wad of aberrant proteinaceous glorp. And roast them. Whether before or after, or both, putting them through the woodchipper. Maybe give 'em a going over in the flames and when they are half cooked, then feed them through the chavchipper. Then make sure to burn the bastards to ashes so not so much as a pikey brat is ever to disgracefully embezzle my own rightful oxygen supply again.

They are a plague. Just bigger organisms than bacteria. Society needs to make itself the antibiotic. With a steel-shod bootheel. Cut the problem out like a cancerous malignancy, and burst it with one big stomp. Stomp. Squish-squelch-screamscreamscreamoiwotwotwotniggeraarrgh. Done. Planet cleansed of one of its foullest disease organisms since we collectively extirpated smallpox.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Tom/Mutate

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #62 on: July 24, 2018, 02:57:51 PM »
dude your name is Lestat and you have a Cthulhu looking avatar, cool...who even are you dude

Offline Lestat

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Re: Can you be a liberal if you hate Chavs and Pikeys?
« Reply #63 on: July 24, 2018, 03:03:52 PM »
It is, and I do. Thanks, and I am Lestat Rett, Polymath, clandestine chemist and troublemaker extraordinaire, at your service :LOL1:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.