just for quick reference.

I hesitate to dignify this with a response.
But hey! It's Christmas! and you're totally off-beam.
I find it hard to believe that you're serious. heck, you're probably not and I'm probably daft for responding like this, but here goes
You know that gaslighhters are manipulative , underhand gits who stir the shit behind your back, right? never mind all these subtlle, ambiguous signs that you can read into anything you like.if you try. That much is definitive
Well, get this: I've had occasion to exchange PMs with Odeon at times, and he never had a bad word to say about anyone behind their back. Like most of we Spazzes, he's actually much nicer to people when he's talking about them behind their back than he is when talking directly to their face. he doesn't belittle them, discredit them or anything like that ; he struggles to understand them.
Can you think why that might be?
because he's a gaslighter, eh? FFS. Think again. Like most of the rest of this board, I'm getting thoroughly sick of this game, or whatever it is.