Sure, but it is regardless of your methods to be balanced you weren't. Even were some of the sources were "middle of the road" which you cited the as -though they weren't) you would still not have balance. Youd have 3 or 4 left leaning and one or two neutral and none right leaning. That is not balance. But now worse is those neutral were left leaning and worse still you had no idea.
So...are you going to be balanced or is this simply your Progressively aligned opinion backed by Liberal taljing points. It is okay if this is the case.
Well to be honest I have only seen and read from maybe 50-60% of these publications. Mostly they are accurate portrayed.
There are only a couple which are seriously and ridiculously placed. Time. Slightly Conservative and Minimal Partisan Bias? That is a joke. I get too that they may have been long ago and resting on laurels and such but they seriously are neither. They are definitely left leaning and they are hardly propagandists for the left but they are likely around the position that CNN occupies on the chart. Does that mean they are as Liberal and biased as CNN? Hell no! CNN is nowhere close to Slightly Biased and reasonable Fact Checkers.
Same with New York Times and Washington Post. Though with these two they are harder to define because they lack consistency. Whilst they clearly are pandering to the Democrats and Liberals as much as Fox News does Trump and the Conservative base, sometimes at seemingly random occasions to write sometimes complete out of the political box so to speak. Almost redemptive to restore some credibility. (something I have seen Huffington Post do too) So some shift down and left but not overly. CNBC would likely align with them because CNBC doesn't do this redemptive checking and are more consistently less biased or propagandist.
Buzzfeed, Daily Kos and Vox are Hyper Partisan and Propagandists
Wall Street Journal should be skews Conservative. Drudge should move a little Left. Blaze should be a little right.
AP skews Liberal but is not non-factual.
Dailywire and Daily Caller and Breitbart should be lifted to where Federalist is and OAN should be where American Conservative is.
This is my interpretation.
PS I get my info from Youtube including pieces from CNN, MSNBC and Fox, Associated Press,, MSN, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Reddit, Twitter and Quora