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How did you get here?
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: 'andersom' on January 12, 2019, 06:05:10 AM ---Would be nice if ῦ would come back. Even when only to tell how he is doing.
Are you still in touch with Cassanova Frankenstein? Hope he's doing fine.
--- End quote ---
I got in touch with PPK a few months ago and he was doing well.
Peaguy found me on WP and invited me over. He recognized hard mettle when he saw it.
We crossed swords a few times and he voiced regrets at ever giving me an invite, but I always respected his way.
I found out about this place after I was demoted on Aspies For Freedom... I wanted to know what was being said about me on this forum, so I went under a poorly acted pseudonym known as "Boris_Pettigrew"... after a while, I grew out of the "dumbass stage", and became a contributor on this forum.
Yeah, it's been an interesting 8 years... but when the 10 years comes up, I'll just laugh my ass off reading my old posts off of here.
conlang returns:
I don't remember how I came here in the first place. But funnily enough, I found myself remembering a collaborative writing project me and sg1008 were working on, and I wanted to see if he was still around. Was also wondering about a few names I've seen more recently, like skyblue and the now Arya Quinn. Still wonder what happened to that numbers guy. It's nice to see posts from Andersom this year (I was pleased when I found out who she was, although I don't recall us two interacting much directly, but their posts are always nice to read and the cow avatar is very soothing). All this nostalgia. It's weird.
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