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How did you get here?

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Pretty sure I wasn't jailbait when I was there.

Sir Les brought me here, over a decade ago.

I came from the 2008 AFF meltdown, via Spectrumites.

Fuck, time goes fast.

I said that I sucked at introductions, without realising what I said.  :lol1:

Few years later I dragged Pika here. He brought in the way more shy CBC. And look at her now!!!


--- Quote from: 'andersom' on January 12, 2019, 04:17:38 AM ---Sir Les brought me here, over a decade ago.

I came from the 2008 AFF meltdown, via Spectrumites.

Fuck, time goes fast.

I said that I sucked at introductions, without realising what I said.  :lol1:

Few years later I dragged Pika here. He brought in the way more shy CBC. And look at her now!!!

--- End quote ---

  :lol1:   I was intimidated by some of the people here, just judging by how tough  they seemed. 
  Cassanova Frankenstein, then known as some kind of gun, seemed pretty scary.  But I wanted
  access to the smiley collection, so I took the plunge!  I miss the poster formerly known as Pika. 
  I wish he would return.  Hope he's doing well.  I did feel OK coming here because Hyke and Al
  were here.  I figured I would be safe enough with a few friends here already.  :heart:

Would be nice if ῦ would come back. Even when only to tell how he is doing.

Are you still in touch with Cassanova Frankenstein? Hope he's doing fine.


--- Quote from: 'andersom' on January 12, 2019, 06:05:10 AM ---Would be nice if ῦ would come back. Even when only to tell how he is doing.

Are you still in touch with Cassanova Frankenstein? Hope he's doing fine.

--- End quote ---

  I am in touch with him, yes.  He is doing well.  8)


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