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How did you get here?

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I for one, value you among those here, QV, who I hold in the highest regard. And by extension, the loveliness you have wrought and brought forth to walk the world :)

Its always good to read your jokes thread. You have quite the aptitude for funny as hell off colour jokes yer maj :)

And you'll always have someone here who values the both of you, QV, as long as I am here.

Trigger, suicide attempt? damn man :( I'm fucking glad it didn't 'take' as you put it. Glad you are still with us. We lost one of our number already all too recently, we don't need to lose another brother spazz.

I first came here, really, after the amy incident, when she didn't just flip her wig, but blew the mains fuse-box out of her arse. After AFF imploded thanks to little miss prissy loco spite-bitch. I'm glad to have rediscovered friends like CBC here again (I had missed you couldbe, although, I think I've gotten to know you better here than I did when I was at AFF), so part of the diaspora of AFF refugees looking for somewhere else to kick back with my fellow speshul folk. And the idea that rather than fucked up overmoderation, and too much power ending up in the hands of a mental bitch like amy, having people who have beef with each other sort it out between each other, makes sense.

A similar thing has happened at other, different kinds of forums before. If one has something like that, a community coming together, it is a large loss if it dies, or is killed. I've been a member of a now-defunct, safe for archives of the data and posts of a certain board operated by and for, essentially a fraternity of a certain sort of chemist with certain ideals and aspirations, desires and aims, where we could share our knowledge and research of procedures, develop more and better ones to further our goals and those of each other, and also a subforum called 'the couch', a non chem research portion where we could kick off our shoes, the Bees could rest our wings, although eventually it was taken down, a great loss to my winged brethren, who split off, and like bees do, swarmed to various places, to set up new colonies. There is one primary  one going now, and that, is where I spread my wings. Its good to see newbees joining, but good too when one of my fellows in the old guard, from back in the days turns up, a namecheck one recognizes, its like, in a sense, a brother long lost returning home, albeit to a new building after the original was burned to the ground, and only the treasures of data preserved.

A lot of nostalgia there for the original forum itself, the culture and the old guard, we find a way though, if we must then we have built new nests. I'm one of the first to settle down in the latest one, been there since the first, and even with respect to the ORIGINAL place, that was taken down, the nostalgia when it gets mentioned, either with the respect and reverence it is due, or even in infamy  with the likes of some clandestine chemist documentary online etc., so much nostalgia. And realizing one has been around long enough to qualify as 'old guard' oneself, it kinda brings a warm glow inside, and especially when fellow members of the fraternity in question, which really is much like a brotherhood, in many respects, and just as much, a sense of amusement at the thought of being one of the old and grizzled hard-bitten old-school bees, its an amusing thought, thinking back to the days of being a newBee still working to earn himself his wings. And always good to have another of the old guard return to the fold to dispense valuable and valued measures of their often vast horde of carefully gained wisdom of experience, the old guard of the cooking chemists who don't just see profit and try to blast the hell out of it and drop off the face of the earth, but the real Bees, the kind who just hear the buzzing sound in their ears, and for whom that, is not just a means to an end, but a calling, something thats...well, for me, its as if it has Bee-n there, so to speak, since he was just a wee egg, waiting to become yet another of many larvae, and earn  his wings. Right from childhood, it was there, just waiting for the potential to beecome unlocked, to earn my wings and grow the metaphorical big long stinger of experience earned, its always Bee n that way, always has Bee n and always will bee. To quote one, 'real Bees hear the buzzing, and it just doesn't stop, ever'

I like that. I definitely feel that way. Sure, there are cooks, out to make  a fast buck. But there are also people who take up a higher calling. That, is what makes a real Hive Bee.


--- Quote from: Calandale on June 09, 2018, 05:21:01 AM ---TheMachine (or some other tool) sent me here.

--- End quote ---

What can I say, Cal? It was you who sent me to this place.

I remember being really cautious about online forums at the time. I was in a pretty vanilla (but lovely) relationship, and remember totally hiding my visits here, lol. I think at the time, I pretty much thought I was invited to some kind of dark web party...I enjoyed the early years here...I can't remember 2007 maybe? If I read some of the posts and threads from back then, it pisses me off how quickly time has passed really. I thought I had lots of time back then. Time to fuck around and say and do stupid things. I pissed away a lot of good things around the time I started posting here.

I came here from WP. I refused to post on AFF, cause it sucked.

WP wasn't that bad for the average user. Probably bad for Moderators, seemed to be a high turnover rate, but shit I haven't been back there in almost a year and probably been almost 2 years since I posted anything. Can't stand the layout of the forum anymore. Way to hard to navigate

I like this board because it's small and you get to know people personally.  Plus the rules are way better and overall way easier to navigate

I'm more on Facebook these days though

WP was a better source of jailbait.

Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Calandale on December 02, 2018, 04:51:14 PM ---WP was a better source of jailbait.

--- End quote ---

I can't tell if you're saying that about you or Jesse.  :lol1:


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