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I know a lot of people came here because of forum instability and drama of one sort or another... but there hasn't been significant interautieforum drama for half a decade, so I don't think that can be counted on to attract more people.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Minister of silly walks on June 09, 2018, 08:26:41 PM ---I don't mind the anything goes nature of I^2. Different forums have different structures and different ways of dealing with drama. And the attitude of simply letting drama run its course seems fine to me. It's interesting to interact with such a range of characters who would obviously get banned almost anywhere else. Drama just seems so petty when it's based around an arbitrary set of rules and who broke what rule and when and by how much.

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I agree but something more than this. The Hierarchies of forums are problematic, as is the problems of rules meant to serve being misused as a weapon. I have seen too often forum admins on power trips, moderators being protected, popularity cliques turning on others, underhanded passive aggressiveness posed as being nice and underhanded PM baiting and such.

The more restricted you make a community the more easily the power can be corrupted and the more underhanded and subtle and poisonous the environment can turn.

Stripping away the hierarchical imbalances and rules and people get called into account. This it is very clever saying something catty or underhanded knowing the rules and your popularity will not only protect you but may expose the one you are antagonising to forum censoring or moderation or punishment? Remove those safe guards and you have a more vested interest in having to back yourself and stand unprotected. This of course goes both ways and the person you have an issue with has to do the same.

There is an honesty and genuineness there that appeals to me. It is also fair. Now people may talk about people leaving and frame it in being forced or having to go but I consider this people making choices. No one here can FORCE me to do anything. I am an adult and I own my actions. I have my own perspectives sure and my perspective may be different to others but I do not think that I am unable to be attacked nor unable to defend myself and am no victim. I do not think anyone here is.

First heard of I2 on WP, though once read if I couldn't stand the heat to stay out of the kitchen, and long assumed I probably couldn't stand the heat.


--- Quote from: Al Swearengen on June 09, 2018, 11:17:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: Trigger 11 on June 09, 2018, 09:49:47 PM ---I was on Wrong Planet. Most of the people I talked to on there went to zOMG. Then sruff happened, we cried, and I ended up here, despite the warnings I couldn't handl it. Now nobody talks to me, so I come and go while dealing with health issues and contemplating life, the universe, and everything.

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If it is any consolation, I USED to like you, but now you rate slightly above dog shit, with me. Not sure if that is a consolation.

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I used to like you. Then something happened and you turned into a vicious cunt.


--- Quote from: Trigger 11 on June 09, 2018, 09:49:47 PM ---Now nobody talks to me

--- End quote ---,18030.msg1184888.html#msg1184888


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