The IDW are primarily a bunch of pseudo-intellectual man-babies who get butthurt if people disagree with them.
I see it elsewhere on the web all the time, stupid regressives who feel "educated" because they managed to sit through a couple of hours of Jordan Peterson or Sam Harris or some other tosser on YouTube. And now they're gonna school the lefties with their superior knowledge.
But, of course, the IDW-inspired arguments that they regurgitate don't stand up to actual scrutiny and they resort to insults when presented with facts and solid rational arguments to the contrary. But the one thing they've learned very, very well from the IDW is that when someone disagrees with you and makes you look stupid... they're violating your free speech. WAAAAAAH!!!
Showing them up as idiots and making their heads explode isn't much sport. I like to play "what IDW pseudo-intellectual does is this particular manbaby going to invoke as proof that they are right". You can tell from which particular dumb-arse arguments they present. And, sure enough, once you've poked a few holes in their arguments and pseudo-facts, they start posting Jordan Peterson or Sam Harris videos as "proof" that they are right.
Do you think the notables that are the "Intellectual Dark Web" are all on the Right?
They are not like the so-called Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who all have pretty much the same conversation point -Atheism. This is not the case with this loose collective of people. There are purported Progressives, Liberals, Libertarians and Conservatives. They are not exclusively pushing one talking point like Atheism, it is a number of talking points. There is some intersection on Free Speech and some are focused more than others on that but all are challenging the status quo and the encroaching freedoms given away for "protection".
I hardly see them presenting differing opinions as being whiny but I do see it as expressing themselves.
I tend to err on the side of freedom of expression and being able to go toe to toe in expressing yourself. I am not an anarchist but I think government should not too tightly regulate. I do not want people regulating me too much. I think freedom of choice is a good thing. I think the ability to make and learn from mistakes is positive and understanding that life is a bitch and will hurt you is a good takeaway. Going into things saying the world has to bend around my insecurities and vulnerabilities and never harm me and if it does that is a terrible thing, is crazy.
There is a sense of this commonality of thought with these people. The sense that they are not whining nor begging for exclusions or special treatment. In fact, they are saying equal treatment for all and all includes people who do not share a collective ideology. For example if you are prepared to riot and pull fire alarms rather than let others hear opinions you personally do not care for, it is NOT unreasonable to have people like these folk say that is unacceptable and it would be foolish to pretend that either this does not happen and too regularly OR that bringing up stuff like this is whining.
Of course you telling us that these people are either unwilling or unable to engage in debate or to defend their positions is
curious mental.
Not one of these people is stupid or without skills to argue effectively and none I have seen seeks to shut down opponents. Some are better than others but none of them are slouches. Not to say you will agree with every point they make. I don't. But your caricature seems a little
off the mark braindead.