When you seek.....to embark on holy jihad, cleanse the world of those filthy decadent westerners by driving truck-bombs into nightclubs? (well, I say truck bombs, you really don't get to use the plural in any future job resume in all practicality, you only really get one truck bomb, although you do get to take a super-quick tour of every state in america bar hawaii and the offshore island territories in a matter of milliseconds. Although there is a minor problem in that you only ever get to see two of them. Oh well, at least you have become a glorious martyr in the name of Allah, pbuh (porcine bell-ends be up him), travelled to every US state and stayed there at the exact same time (Allah, piss be upon him, works in mysterious ways)
Unfortunately, what he kinda forgot to dictate to Jibre'el for him to hand over to muhammid, having chewed whayyyy too much khat, and smoked a fuckton of bongs, twacked out of his face, hyperfocussed and tweaking like crazy but..too lazy to reach over for his laptop to program in the instructions to operate the laser cutting tool for his stone tablets...was that whilst the martyr does indeed get assigned 72 virgins, they are only virgins because they are dogs, of scabby street mutt breed that are too ugly for any other canid to mate with. And the only reason they are even allowed in heaven is that both hell and limbo chucked them out, and by a process of elimination......there you go. Your 72 virgins.)
Unless your a redneck jihadist martyr, in which case you don't get 72 virgin ugly fucking dogs. You get 72 ugly fucking dogs with vaginas you could fit a watermelon inside, and they are most certainly NOT virgins.
As for rocking...I do, certainly, the main time I don't, is when I'm working in the lab. Not something you'd want to do whilst say, holding a beaker full of concentrated nitric acid, or some volatile transition metal halide that gives off nasty corrosive, toxic, water-reactive, potentially carcinogenic acrid fuming nasty stuff. That wouldn't be something one should hand-flap, spin, make small kinda hopping jumps up and down on the spot [not one of my stims, its one I remember this girl from my penultimate secondary school doing. Looked pretty cute on her actually, she did that, whilst clapping her hands and making this cute little squeaking noise. Absolutely adorable. She was very popular with all the other male pupils, a real stunner, and personality wise, warm, and great to be around. When I say popular though, she REALLY was, quite the school fox, and there were a few fights that broke out among various pupils over her. Although I daresay I got quite lucky in that she really seemed to take a shine to me, and we often to be found arm in arm snuggling up together, to the envy of all, and occasionally, fury.
Lol I remember one incident when some kid ran up to me, shoved me into the playground fence and started screaming in rage, accusing me of having fucked her (he wasn't dating her, so even if he was right about saying we did what, why, where, when etc., she would be fair game), little (well not exactly petite if you know what I mean. Not obese or really fat, but overmuch on the pudgy side) shit was trying to crush me against the fence, all the time, yelling accusations at the top of his voice about things I'd apparently done.
Ended up picking him up by the throat and throwing him, as if he were a fat, inconsiderate (towards the girl, yelling the things he did, true or not], uppity, vulgar meat-baseball. Another guy tried to stake me. Yes, as in what vampire hunters do to vampires they catch asleep in their coffins). Unfortunately for him
he was a bit of a gangly, uncoordinated git. With a pissy streak, but not very good at using it, so I just ended up flipping him to the floor and putting him in a joint lock at the wrist.
There always seemed to be arguments wherever that girl went. Kate, her name was, haven't seen her in years, kinda miss her actually, I'd love to search her out online and see if I can't find her, catch up etc.
The funny thing was, SHE was completely blameless, she never instigated anything at all, it just happened, like she exuded an aura of pheromones made specifically to drive autie males temporarily insane.The amount of arguments and fights that broke out over her was crazy. I never actually started any fights myself, I not that I had to, since she'd taken a shine to me, I'm not that kinda guy in any case, but the number of them I had, for my own good, to finish, was ridiculous.
Her little jumping up and down/hand clapping stim was sooooooo fucking cute though, just made her look good enough to eat