Heard this on the radio yesterday.
I love this song. Don't care what other old farts say.
it's alright, but is it
really modern? sound like an old-fashioned ballad to me. There's no reason why old farts should have any problem with that, is there? i recall that my 80-year old Mum really liked the Scissor Sisters. New band, new songs, sure, but they had a familiar sound didn't they?
There's not much that's really new enough to offend the old farts sensibilities, IMO. There wasn't in the seventies either. My parents used to
like Top of the Pops. I was the one who couldn't stand it, and vowed
not to have a freaking TV, after i left home. They didn't like Pink Floyd, cos their stuff was innovative. intelligent, and not so melodic and predictable as pop. but then , most of my peers disliked Floyd for the same reasons. Then Dark Side of the Moon softened people towards them, and they became more mainstream after that. I mean, not only were they accepted into the mainstream, but their style became increasingly mainstream. And i started getting bored with them . Not a generational thing, really, but a question of different taste.
I'm not a music buff either, I just tend to respond to stuff that affects me on a deeper level than disco stuff can reach. Dance music
doesn't make me feel like dancng, as a rule , with a few pdd exceptions such as Talking Heads. Oddly enough , my musical choices often correspond to what's thought to be exceptionally good, technically speaking. Well, I guess that
would help, but i think it's the pure creativity and passion that's getting to me really.
In the 70s I never liked the Sex Pistols. These days I think they are kinda cool.
ah! that's the old fami';iarity factor at work , isn't it?

In the 70's , the Sex Postols were decidedly new . A few decades on, you;ve heard them. and other punk bands, hundreds of times over. They are now familiar.
Fuck. I'm going senile.
Wrong old song.
Mad King Bloke's favourite song is copied from "video killed the radio star".
why didnt you just edit the link? Here ya go (cos you can count me in as liking that song, too)
I find sampling irritating, generally, but it's good, i guess if it raises interest in the original
And modern media has had a positive effect , i think, in that it;s enabled younger folk to discover a lot of the older talent for themselves... though the copyright nazis on You Tube have been doing their damnest to undermine that effect. Ad it also enables them to check out indie music from other countries. which was next-to-impossible back in the seventies. I've noticed that young folk nowadays often have much more eclectic tastes , as well as more "retro"" tastes than preceding generations. Its got harder for the Big Labels to dictate what people hear