Author Topic: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.  (Read 2970 times)

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #30 on: March 20, 2018, 08:30:37 PM »
I remember disco. It was mostly the fashion that came with it that made it so awesome.

For your benefit, here's the relevant Frank Zappa interviews. He nails the downfall of the recording industry fairly well.

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #31 on: March 28, 2018, 07:59:12 AM »
People might call me a hipster because of my tastes in music but I'd much rather be called a hipster than get caught listening to some of the shite that gets pumped out in modern pop music.

Like this trash:
One of the lyrics is literally, out of nowhere in the song "Why don't you go kill yourself?"...In a song targeted at tweens. That's pretty fucked up, all things considered.

I will admit I have guilty pleasures here and there for the more recent stuff, like "Firework" by Katy Perry but a lot of the stuff I'll admit to liking (non-guilty pleasures and all) is older than myself. My music tastes are very mixed and continue to grow as I discover more artists and songs but the modern pop stuff is still garbage to me. Still, not all modern music is in the toilet.

(This gem is from 2009)
(This, from 2008. Two words: Pirate Metal)

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #32 on: August 18, 2018, 03:44:28 AM »
Why do you think I listen to testcard and light music instead?  At least these people can actually hold a tune.

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #33 on: August 18, 2018, 04:52:37 AM »
Some pop music from the past 10 years:

Popular, modern music. I think this song is really good.

And this, one of my favourite songs ever.

And the nineties may have featured one or two songs I enjoyed:

I wonder how many of those kids in the Nirvana video, who would be in their forties now, are complaining about how modern music sucks. I remember teenagers back in the 90s being surprised that I liked Nirvana because wasn't I kinda old for that... (I was the same age as Kurt Cobain FFS).

When I was a teenager I remember people who had grown up in the 50s and 60s telling me how terrible 70s and 80s music was. I asked them "so, what did old people say about the music in the 50s and 60s?".

I made up my mind to break the cycle, I would never be like that. I know that a lot of teenagers say shit like that... but I actually meant it. I guess I've never forgot the person I was 30 or 40 years ago - unlike most people.

Yes, music might have been better in 1991. Or 1968. Or 1983. But it's 2018 and I love the fact that I like the same music my kids like.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2018, 09:44:46 PM by Minister of silly walks »
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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2018, 08:32:13 PM »
Heard this on the radio yesterday.

I love this song. Don't care what other old farts say.
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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2018, 09:00:28 PM »
^Not bad. He drops the f bomb.
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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2018, 10:55:50 PM »
My favourite song:

MKB, since you love this song so much, you might be interested in the original from 1980:

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #37 on: October 21, 2018, 01:38:58 AM »
Fuck. I'm going senile.

Wrong old song.

Mad King Bloke's favourite song is copied from "video killed the radio star".
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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #38 on: October 21, 2018, 02:25:59 AM »
^I like that song.
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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #39 on: October 21, 2018, 04:28:45 AM »
I find much of it far too vulgar and sexually aggressive but there's a point to that.  Which I'm happy to suffer.  The songs are fine, just as long as you don't play them on full volume.

I perfer my songs from the 1970s and 1980s.

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2020, 05:14:01 AM »
Aaaaaand it's bollocks:

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Offline Walkie

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2020, 09:12:51 PM »
Hmmm. i actually watched both Scrap's vid in the OP and your piss-take vid,  Mo. Have to to say that was a fair cop.  But also have to say that  he picked an easy target. I've heard much better arguments, to similar effect . And I also find the point about familiarity (which Jack picked up on)  interesting. And its hardly controversial to  suggest that commercialism has a detrimental effect on music. To what extent the evil old Music Industry dictates what we hear nowadays  is an intersting question, on which i wouldn't  trust that vlogger's opinion, but neither would i dismiss it out of hand.

Like you, I vowed not to fall into that Old Fogey mindset, but my position there is complicated by the fact that i never, ever  liked more than a tiny fraction of chart-topping music, not even as a teenager, and couldn't stand Radio 1 (which was apt to de;iver a torrent of chart hits, still does, i believe)   And I seem to gravitate towards similarly minded people. So, now it turns out that I don't like rap and synth pop , I suspect that I'd have hated that stuff  just as much  when I was in teens (if I'd been exposed to it then)  Indeed my son shpws very similar tastes to myself, dislikes nearly all the chart-topping stuff , same as me, and is apt to believe that music was much better in the sixties and early seventies. Though  he certainly does like quite a lot of newer music (and often introduces me to new stuff that that I like) , it tends to outside the mainstream , eg post rock  and various indie Canadian artists  ( I swear  he likes all things Canadian though, even the crappy stuff )

That said, I think the perception that pop music has slid downhill is greatly exaggered by the fact that the crappiest bands are swiftly forgotten, so we tend to look back through rose tinted spectacles.    I mean, for example, I don't think I've heard any of  the Bay City Rollers hits played these past 3-4 decades  not even at those awful Wedding discos; bands like Slade and Wizzard only get resurrected at Christmas; and who the heck remembers the Sweet or David Cassidy anymore ? (sorry if you'd mercifully managed to forget them,  before I said that. )A lot of the really gppd artists that other people remember from the seventies  (and earlier) eg Leonard Cohen, Joni Mitchell,  Pink Floyd, Dire Straits didn't reallly get much of a look -in next to that other crap , (because they didn't appeal to teeny-boppers, i suppose) they just out-survived the crap and developed an ever-growing following.

I was disappointed to find out that it was a lot harder to find bands thart i actually liked in the eighties and nineties and started to suspect myself old fogeyism.  But then it eventually struck me that most of my friends had reached that stage in life when you're way too busy with family stuff to hang out in your mates 'bedrooms,playing the latest gem you picked up from the  Virgin Superstore . So i just wan't exposed to such a wide range on non-mainstream stuff as i used to be.   Still I developed a taste for The Fall, Nirvana, Laurie Anderson, Joy Divison , Radiohead,  Nick Cave and a few others during these decades...and a growing distaste for  Techno ( which i found interesting at first, but it rapidly started to all sound the same to me) sp its not like my tastes  got totally stuck in the seventies.  Gotta say the noughties were the pits for me musically, though, but then that might be mainly  for social reasons again.

Anyways, I might be getting to be a genuine old fogey at last , in that i'm starting to prefer tp listen  music that's easier on the nervees than some the old post-punk  / metal stuff that  i used to listen to quite a lot, and I recall one of my (somewhat older) friends observing "That's young person's music" of one such band (i forget which) ; which observation I thought to be pretty absurd at the time . But he might have had a point.  Maybe the anger, angst and sheer screaming energy do wear a bit thin with age  :-[. But, still,  I don't  like crass pop with stupid lyrics any more than I ever did.

« Last Edit: May 28, 2020, 08:26:25 AM by Walkie »

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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #42 on: May 27, 2020, 09:37:49 PM »
Wow Walkie. Even though Nick Cave is a fellow Strayan, I can only think of one song that I know: the serial killer ballad "Wild Rose".

I was never much of a music afficionado. I stay kinda up to date with current music simply by always listening to radio stations that play current hits. You won't catch me listening to golden oldies in my car. Also by having kids. My daughter is a massive Billy Eilish fan.

The way I see it, the attitude of my generation to pop music, that it's crap, was always going to happen. Even if we were living through the golden age of pop music right now (we're probably not) my generation would be saying it's crap anyway. There is a certain locked-in inevitability about such things.

In the 70s I never liked the Sex Pistols. These days I think they are kinda cool. When Prodigy were taking off I wasn't a fan of them either. Now I am.

I just take it as it comes. So far I've avoided being the cranky old fart who complains about how modern pop music sucks. With a bit of luck I might be around for another decade or two and finally get there.
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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #43 on: May 27, 2020, 10:40:09 PM »
I liked techno at first, too. I had a Technotronic tape that I played to death. But it soon all sounded the same to me as well. I do like the Prodigy though, and have seen them in concert (a very long time ago)

Right now I like Fall Out Boy. Listen to them in the car.
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Re: It's not just nostalgia, modern pop music scientifically sucks ass.
« Reply #44 on: May 28, 2020, 12:06:40 AM »
I listen to all kinds of stuff but only rarely what is "modern" at the moment.
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