Heh, ren. Being a spazz ain't just the best way, its the ONLY way

And WP looks terrible on a kindle? I don't own one, but WP looks like shit no matter what you do with it.
Does it still have that fucking hideous colorscheme? Actually I find 'WP' quite the appropriate abbreviation for the place. Chemists use the same shorthand to mean 'white phosphorus', and the colorscheme of WP (the webs(h)ite that is) isn't all that different to the lurid glow that one can see if for example, one takes a little white phosphorus on the end of a spatula or a stick, and uses it to write on a piece of paper, in a dark place, you get a very similar lurid yellow-whitish 'radioactive' shade of green, akin to radium paint or closer, the shade of a tritium gun-sight or watch dial, before the willy pete then ignites spontaneously and burns whatever was written permanently through the paper.
Got a few other things in common too. WP is poisonous, leaves a bad smell and a corrosive environment behind wherever it goes, glows a lurid uranium glass shade of green and its prone to bursting into flames and leaving a horrible burning cloud of noxious fumes behind. Not particularly stable either, unless handled with kid-gloves (although unfortunately that means the area quickly gets depopulated of kids, you don't get many pairs of gloves per one you skin, tan and sew into a pair of gloves:autism:)
Which WP do I mean? just take a coin, flip it, and take your pick as to which one I meant. Although at least one of the two is useful....and the useful kind is the only kind currently sitting in a measuring cylinder full of water upstairs
And whilst there might be far more than the fair share of toxic and incendiary materials present in this home than there are in most, I sure as shit draw the line at the poisonous incendiary thing that goes by the name of alex plank.
Unfortunately, it seems that planks constant