Author Topic: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked  (Read 2159 times)

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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2018, 08:29:57 PM »
That's up to you, of course. If it's useful, then good.
Yep. Impossible to get to know people there, there's too many coming in and leaving for whatever reason.
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2018, 01:46:44 AM »
Who's in charge there these days? Does Alex ever post?
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2018, 03:26:19 AM »
I have seen...2 of his posts I think? There are moderators but not many.

The site is absolutely terrible to view on a Kindle, there is so much that just doesn't work and profiles on post pages look mashed together, e.g., mine says Veteran twice.

One of the reasons I went back was to view my old PMs between GA and I. My memory is not clear of that time so I wanted to see what we wrote. Alas, nothing there. :(
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2018, 10:10:56 AM »
Heh, ren. Being a spazz ain't just the best way, its the ONLY way :D

And WP looks terrible on a kindle? I don't own one, but WP looks  like shit no matter what you do with it.

Does it still have that fucking hideous colorscheme? Actually I find  'WP' quite the appropriate abbreviation for the place. Chemists use the same shorthand to mean 'white phosphorus', and the colorscheme of WP (the webs(h)ite that is) isn't all that different to the lurid glow that one can  see if for example, one takes  a little white phosphorus  on the end of a spatula or a stick, and  uses  it to write on a piece  of paper, in a dark place, you get a very similar lurid yellow-whitish 'radioactive' shade of green, akin to radium paint or closer, the shade of a tritium gun-sight or watch dial, before the willy pete then ignites spontaneously and burns whatever was  written permanently through the paper.

Got a few other things in common too. WP is poisonous, leaves a bad  smell and a corrosive environment behind wherever it goes, glows a lurid uranium glass shade of green and  its prone to bursting into flames and leaving a horrible burning cloud of  noxious  fumes behind. Not particularly stable either, unless handled with kid-gloves (although unfortunately that means the area quickly gets depopulated of kids, you don't get many pairs of gloves  per one you skin, tan and  sew into a pair of gloves:autism:)

Which WP do I mean? just take  a coin, flip it, and take your pick as  to which one I meant. Although at least one of the two is useful....and the useful kind is the only kind currently sitting in a measuring cylinder full of water upstairs

And whilst there might be far more than the fair share of toxic and incendiary materials  present in this home than there are in most, I sure as shit draw the line at the poisonous incendiary thing that goes by the name of alex plank.

Unfortunately, it seems that planks constant :heisenberg:
« Last Edit: March 13, 2018, 10:13:19 AM by Lestat »
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2018, 12:53:59 PM »
Can't say as I am surprised at there being problems at WP.  It's been around a long time, even with all the drama.  A lot of forums have come and gone over the years, maybe it's WP's time.  It will be interesting how this develops and I feel sorry for those who love the site and enjoy going there. 
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2018, 03:36:19 PM »
That hideous white phosphorus in a dark room color scheme needs  to go though no matter what happens, its fucking awful. I don't mind the way white P glows, but as a colorscheme on a forum? its as  lurid as the inside of  Planck's head.
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2018, 03:47:12 PM »
Agreed, the color scheme or set up there hurts my eyes and it never improved.  Amber gave up on it and a close friend did the same, I had a brief second life there and it was not good.  Dunc did go back for a brief time and even he left for reasons I can only guess at. 
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #22 on: March 13, 2018, 03:53:06 PM »
Yeah, its like staring into a really bright fluoro light, or one of those really powerful LED torches. With a big steaming spadefull of fermented ugly scattered liberally over the top.
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #23 on: March 13, 2018, 04:14:49 PM »
It always hurt my eyes.  Though, my major thought was that I was too old to be bothering with this place.  Sort of what Dunc felt with some of the posts he saw and restrained himself from flaming at. 
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2018, 08:00:26 PM »
Only visited it once when AFF imploded as a "backup" took one look, hated it and didn't join.
The colour scheme was part of that, obviously but the other factor was that it looked like the same shit as AFF.  :dunno:

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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2018, 08:20:20 PM »
Only visited it once when AFF imploded as a "backup" took one look, hated it and didn't join.
The colour scheme was part of that, obviously but the other factor was that it looked like the same shit as AFF.  :dunno:

I only joined Wrongplanet after the Tamgate incident, and somehow whenever I tried posting on there it still isn't as familiar as, AFN, and I^2 turned out to be.

This is a message board, not a ouija board  :zombiefuck:

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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2018, 08:26:03 PM »
Same, more or less. Went on there briefly after amy shit over our collective front doorstep and took to rolling about in her own faeces and ranting about the spider people under the floorboards (taking a day off from inhabiting the inside of her skull, I presume).

Lasted for an introduction post and IIRC a single  post participating in a thread before being banned without any explanation. I figured fuck it, the place is run by a gigantic perineum (I.e surrounded by bollocks and with a dick and an arsehole to stuff it up either side) with delusions of personhood and a monstrous narcissistic complex, and general complete oxygen-embezzling waste space wherever he stands that hobos could need to piss on) and it looks like somebody hit the place with a veritable army's worth of willy pete munitions. Ugly and I didn't see any point in trying to get myself unbanned, not that I did anything, since I'd just found the place I called a home from home, so to speak, pulled down on top of itself by the Queen Bitch, what would be the point in running from a smoking heap of ruins inhabited only by the ghost of one mental case narcissistic, histrionic little cow, into the arms of an odious narcissist tosspot who can't get his pencil dick up unless some little pet troop of brown-nosers have given his chocolate starfish a licking first?

I'll pass.

Wish my stalker/ex gf's forum had managed to take off though. She's a no-nonsense kinda lady, and  I REALLY can't see her being one for butt-sniffing. Anyone that tried it would almost certainly have gotten one of her cute little feet in the nose for their trouble long before any such nose came any closer than kicking distance from her (even cuter) arse. She'd have done a great job IMO, down to earth, not a histrionic little bitch or anything of that sort, generally all the best things that can go into an autie woman went into her. Including quite a lot of other people's share of the best bits too:)
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2018, 08:34:06 PM »
Only visited it once when AFF imploded as a "backup" took one look, hated it and didn't join.
The colour scheme was part of that, obviously but the other factor was that it looked like the same shit as AFF.  :dunno:

I only joined Wrongplanet after the Tamgate incident, and somehow whenever I tried posting on there it still isn't as familiar as, AFN, and I^2 turned out to be.

I stuck around on AFF due to the RPs and a few kinder folks who tried to support a troubled kid like me. Looking back, it's explosion or some kind of decline was inevitable. Amy Nelson's return (as well as Admin status) only drastically sped up the process. 
AFN was nice at first but it went to shit. If it's improved since I left, I'll never know but I seriously doubt it.  :dunno:

ASD community was nice while it lasted but it just declined overtime. Got a lot of good laughs and some support out of it and I remember it's brief time rather fondly.

I^2 is upfront about what it is. It may be a shitshow, but it's an enjoyable shitshow. :thumbup:

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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2018, 08:39:50 PM »
The colour scheme for posts on WP isn't blue and green any more, it's grey and white. I don't know what's worse. It's nice to come here and view everything on black pages.
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Re: Wrong Planet seems to have been hacked
« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2018, 09:19:01 PM »
AFN was nice at first but it went to shit. If it's improved since I left, I'll never know but I seriously doubt it.  :dunno:

AFN has the highest mod to regular user ratio I've ever seen on a forum.
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