And I doubt very much that he does. The guy is a moron. I'd be surprised if he can breathe and fart at the same time, without taking up so much brainpower in whatever shriveled, vestigial, malformed and misplaced loogie that somehow made its way up into his skull cavity.
Brand is one of the few people I can picture who are actually likely to end up MORE intelligent if repeatedly hit in the face. Might knock more loogies up from the back of his nose into his head and form a bigger coagulation of poisonous-tosspot-control-system.
Guy is a fucking dinosaur. No, make that a coprolite. A turd so old and past it that even the gods have had enough of it stinking up the joint, and zeus decided to turn him to stone. Guy is a sack of fossilized shit with arms, legs and absolutely nothing in the way of redeeming features, save only one.
That he is somewhere else