Its just an ambulant bipedal (probably), ball of string equivalent, a failed lump of excrement that tried to become a failed moron and then tried to become a failed moronic spazz. And somehow thinks itself fit to be autistic.
Just rape his mother in passing, or piss on his front doorstep through the letterbox and send him a letter written in dog muck scribed on said front door with a stick covered in dog crap wishing him well and asking both how far you managed to piss, and for him to pay postage for its return, with instructions to use a postage stamp. Small words only, since he/she/it isn't what we'd call the sharpest tool in the box of tools. He isn't even a tool that made it out of the factory on purpose, normally it would have been recalled and melted down. So this particular fag with aspirations towards moronhood is just a failed genetic accident. A mitotic catastrophe who manages to put on a mask just long enough to pass for a cretinous piece of excreta, donor species non-hominid but otherwise unknown.
It might be a species of lemur, who's mother drank heavily and took a lot of valproate during her rape-pregnancy, and then got dropped and/or kicked in the head repeatedly. Only not so bright.
*lestat cuts loose with a long, resonant but squeaky stinker-fart and stims to waft it towards mdugli's eerr...whatever it is thats mounted on that stubby thing in between the torso and the smaller round bit above it on a stick, with a pencil-like object bearing a bag containing two raisin-sized and shaped objects just below it. (probably) made of meat, or at least some substance resembling meat.*
Can't decide whether he wants to be hated mocked and crucified or loved hard in the ass with a forked stick diagonally. Maybe we can use a drainpipe and a gopher on a string to find out :LOL1: