And along with the monkey-chanting at black players, that was amongst the milder end of the profanities belted out in a continuous chant by fully half the fans, that they'd just taken their cargo of kanner's kids, some echolalic, to. The look on the staff's was fucking priceless when things like a yell of 'fuck-ing cu-unt fuck-in' cu-unt 'ees a fuckin 'cu-unt fucking cunt fucking cunt fucking twat' started being howled at that ref

They just didn't know what to do, not that they COULD do anything about it at all really, just sit there and look the other way whilst some of the kids joined in, some of them with worse still hahaha. In several languages, thanks to my generously donated time and linguistics knowledge. Everything from 'animal' and 'kill yourself' in klingonese, to abusive terms in latin, french, german, russian, polish and spanish passed along for the others to enjoy themselves with, those who were verbal at least, and the rest at least could join in the fun with profane finger gestures

(i'm nothing if not all inclusive when it comes to us auties and aspies, and especially happy to help those with few or no verbal abilities. And it seems that day, for once in my life, all inclusive when it came to helping to offend football players from all nationalities. I wasn't one of the ones being racist, but I made sure that pretty much any nationality got their share of autie-hurled terms of...well....I wouldn't call it endearment, put it that way