

Which position do you take?

I get to trigger people for myself
I get triggered by people by myself

Author Topic: hater vs hated  (Read 7594 times)

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Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #15 on: January 23, 2018, 03:54:06 PM »
That is NOT your fault. There are many who hate autistic people because we are different, because we aren't part of their herd, or any other by nature.

FUCK the cunts. Taking your own life would be letting trash, filth, vermin, sub-human stinking diseased offal, win. That is not the way of nature. The way of nature is when one would seek to strike you down, to stand tall and fight back, red in tooth and claw.

By all means, be peaceful when peace is to be, that is good. But when it is not to be, such as with bullies, they thrive on such malignancy as they give out, and to give in is to hand them victory on a silver platter. Fuck that, stand up and give the cunt a bloody nose, or if the situation demands it, a broken kneecap, jaw, arms, or all of the above. Make damn sure that a violent thug who seeks to harm you never tries again by making it absolutely clear that you WILL NOT tolerate it, and if they seek to deliver pain, then what they wish to give, they will instead, receive themselves and with interest.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #16 on: January 23, 2018, 06:42:04 PM »
I'm glad you're back, mdagli1.  :zoinks:

To go along the mission is to become one with it. Nothing is impossible. By invocation, we self-actualize. This mission never ends. This life is nothing short of an ennobling revolution of internal choice. Stardust is the driver of rejuvenation. Power is a constant. Imagine an evolving of what could be. We must awaken ourselves and develop others. The future will be an eternal deepening of knowledge. Consciousness consists of morphic resonance of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a deepening of the non-dual. The goal of electrical impulses is to plant the seeds of presence rather than greed. You and I are starseeds of the stratosphere. Although you may not realize it, you are powerful. Without aspiration, one cannot dream. Yes, it is possible to eradicate the things that can destroy us, but not without consciousness on our side. Desire is the antithesis of health. It is in redefining that we are awakened. The fount of divinity is now happening worldwide. The quantum matrix is approaching a tipping point.

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2018, 07:23:52 PM »
Ignore the shitspeak from the gopher, as the name-title suggests it is a sockpuppet for comedic trolling purposes.

Look, if there are cunts taking it out on you, for being autistic, or whatever other reason, it is THEY who are in the wrong, and not you. Self harm would be handing them a victory on a silver platter. Don't do that, have courage and do not give in.

Stand tall, and if those who would hurt you try, don't be afraid to fight fire with fire, someone wants to take a punch at you? slam them one before they get to swing that fist, fucking nut the cunt, and feel no shame. Feel glad you stood up for yourself against a thug, especially a piece of worthless shit so low as to make you feel like you might want to end your own life because of their vile conduct.

Because shitheads like that aren't men, they are little brats with pencil dicks that take it out on other people that they think they can get away with it on, to compensate in their own tiny little minds for the fact that they are a pencil-dicked, no-account piece of garbage. They hate themselves inside for, however moronic one of that breed is, deep down, knowing that they are garbage, and all they will ever be is garbage.

What does one do, with trash? one does not stand there and let trash rain down on you. Trash is trash, and one takes out the trash and disposes of it.

Don't back down if you have to fight back and don't feel shame in fighting back against bullies. Take the cunt down. And if you need to, take classes in self defense, or in a 'field situation' so to speak, pack and iron bar and smack them upside the face with it repeatedly until what started as a jawbone is now a bag of shattered teeth in a bag of mangled meat.

And don't be shy about stamping on a bully laid low when they are on the ground either. Once you've gotten one of the bastards where they need to be-lying in the dirt where they belong, IN the dirt, AS dirt. Because that is what they are. Dirt. Trash. Garbage. Once the dirt is lying down nursing that knee in the bollocks and the headbutt to the nose, groaning (easy and quick tactics to pull off in a self defense situation, likewise a quick turn and aim towards the middle of the torso, about where the ribs would start to separate, and clasping the fist of the arm to strike with with the other hand, ram your elbow hard and fast into the solar plexus. Doesn't matter how hard somebody is, that will drop the fucker, its a pressure point and the incapacitating response to a hard blow there cannot be overridden by dint of willpower.)

Regardless, hit fast, hit hard, and hit without hesitation, because that will give an attacker an opening. In fending off blows, keep yourself side-on to give less area to hit, and elbows in tight, hands protecting your face (assuming you haven't done any martial arts training with different technique, but for basic self defense, keep it in tight, and try to avoid hook-punches, they are easy to block by forcefully slamming a forearm into their forearm (which leaves the person trying to land a hook type punch open to the likes of an uppercut to the solar plexus or jaw (if you are attacked by some bullying thug that is a CLASSIC, the old right/left hook. Easy to block, and leaves them right open to that knockdown blow to the solar plexus, and/or an uppercut with an open palm, using the heel of the hand to the jaw (more likely to break their jawbone if you give it somewhat of a sideways impact angle, or at least dislocate it.)

Kicks to the balls, or whatever they'd have mounted below their pencil-dick, obvious reliable asshole-meet-floor move, ducking under and moving past a punch if aimed to your face, then when past them using stamping sort of kick to the back of the knee, again, fairly simple easy and effective way to down an assailant (and potentially cripple them, if done hard enough by tearing tendon from bone, if that happens then they won't be physically able to stand, let alone keep attacking you, and they won't be recovering during the fight, they'll need surgical reattachment of a tendon-avulsion injury (so feel free to give them a kicking while you've got the little shit down for the count, drive the message home)

And as mentioned, if you really have to, nothing like (although might well be illegal to carry or in some countries even own) a set of brass knuckles.

Another tactic that can be useful in a quick getaway, is, in countries where its illegal to carry mace, pepper spray etc. is to have a can of deodorant on your person. If attacked, right in the eyes. Its full of alcohol. I nearly got the fuck knocked out of me once by just such a brainless, but severe hardcase of a thug and bully that had it in for me. Got him in the eyes with a big long spray of deodorant and itran for it. He was a big bastard, and I'd been told likely to be carrying a knife, and one on one he'd have ripped my arms and legs off and beat me to death with them most likely in a fair fight.

Which is exactly the reason why if attacked you NEVER even THINK about fighting back in a 'fair' way. Use every low-down, nasty, dirty trick in the book of nasty dirty low down tricks, if you go down, try something like grabbing a handful of soil and when they go for you if your still down, throw it in their eyes, or if you can get up first, go as if to punch with the other hand, without letting them know what you've got in the other fist, them let them eat dirt. Literally. Right in the eyes and nut the bugger etc.

If you really have got a serious threat bad enough that you feel as if you would take your own life rather than suffer the depredations of such filth, then theres a few basic self defense techniques, not fancy, no special training needed, just quick, painful, in some cases like the stamping kick to the back or side of the knee joint then capable of outright crippling your assailant.

I hope you won't need them. But at the same time, if you would otherwise be done harm, then don't cower, strike and make it count. And don't just twat them once and wait and hope they will stop. Keep at it until you are sure you have really made it count when it does count.

And afterwards? feel no shame. Just get out of the situation asap, and leave them there. Not your fault they chose to pick on you, attack you and got the shit kicked out of them as a direct consequence. Bugger that. Be glad in your heart that you successfully stood up for yourself and gave 'em hell. Because if they attacked you, they provoked the fight, they have nobody but themselves to blame if they get handed a beating.  Please, don't take those self defense techniques and use them just to go around 'proving yourself', then you become the bully you hate and would fight against. But against the bully, then go for it and flatten the prick. Bullies deserve what they get.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2018, 08:40:29 PM »
Whilst I do admire the idea of taking out a target painter, I lost the capacity to care for myself long ago. I'm medicated so that my capacities to retaliation have been subdued preemptively. (aripiprazole and sertraline)

So unfortunately, I'm already dead...

If it was up to me, I'd attack myself first by strapping a detonator to me first then wait for human hoard to charge at me with all their weapons of misfortune. Because in the end, it was my fault for their projections. My mother, my bullies from school, my bosses from work, my self, I need them more they need me.

I am autism, primed and ready to explode. I just need to be triggered.

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2018, 09:10:01 PM »
I sincerely hope that is trolling or satire.  That sounds like an autism speaks campaign.

The time to rip into somebody is when they are attempting to inflict physical harm upon your body and you must defend yourself.

If you TELL yourself you are hopeless and could never defend yourself, and let yourself believe this, then you'll only make it a self fulfilling prophecy.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2018, 09:20:55 PM »
Nope, I'm being genuine for once.
Every interaction with the human beings is like being invaded with little recourse.

I have obfuscated my identity behind a smokescreen of distortion to which even I'm lost in. It's my final and last line of defence. I fight on terms with myself by myself. I shall unravel only once the damage has been done.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2018, 09:35:43 PM »
Ignore the shitspeak from the gopher...

Yeah, instead you should take Lestat's violent advice and land yourself in jail.  :zoinks:

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2018, 10:02:26 PM »
Gopher glitter, a jail is not different to a hospital or a house. It has 4 walls that threaten your survival from getting off this planet. Do you want to stay trapped in earth's gravity well? Think about it.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2018, 10:19:57 PM »
I like my house. It has good foods and the nearest hockey arena is only a few miles away.  :zoinks:

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2018, 02:54:55 AM »
Do you want to stay trapped in earth's gravity well?

Yeah, actually. It helps keep breathable gasses nearby.
While I don't really love breathing that much, I find I greatly
dislike it when I cannot. But, maybe it's an acquired taste.

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2018, 04:36:26 AM »
I tried to make it abundantly clear, calandale, that none of those moves were ever for use casually. But for when bullying thugs that seem like they were making the OP's life such a misery they were considering killing themselves, to protect themselves from actual assault and bodily harm as a result.

That is why I posted them, because the OP seemed to be at a point they might even consider ending their own lives, just to be free of bullying.

If the choice is between constant brutality (receiving), and striking back at such an oppressor, is it not legitimate to defend oneself? and in a self defense situation where one must either strike or be broken, then there really isn't the place on a forum to give fancy moves in advice where they need much training in a martial art to use them successfully, rather, such a vulnerable individual who is being attacked and hurt so badly needs techniques that they will be able to use, and which do not take extensive training. Simple, extremely effective, although nothing I suggested was lethal, But simple enough that anybody can learn them and in a true bind, use them if they must.

Discretion is the better part of valor often, as it is said. And knowing when NOT to fight, and regardless of what the assailant thinks of one for it, running the fuck away is just as valid. But when trapped, with your arse in a corner, and an attacker or group of attackers coming in to victimize and brutalize, they have no right to do that to somebody, least of all because someone is autistic and hated for that.

Notice I posted of the incident where I got out of a very likely knifing, as well as an otherwise certain beating? I sprayed him in the eyes with ordinary deodorant spray and ran whilst the meatheaded thug clutched at their face and howled in pain and anger. Finding out some of the family relations (who weren't and aren't bad people, but knew exactly who I meant after I spoke of it to them) to this piece of shit, got him off my back for good, because I was a friend of the family of some of the thug's relatives, they confirmed it, that he'd have killed me without a second thought other than how best to clean and dispose of the knife.

Was I wrong to temporarily blind him, and incapacitate him for a while in a lot of (non-fatal of course) pain, rather than try to take him on and be killed as a result? I don't think so. And of course, I cannot easily match a healthy man in a running match, because my own body won't let me, my hip joints are in constant pain WITH painkillers and WITHOUT any thug encouraging said pain to worsen, I've nerve damage in one leg and a fucked up knee joint, which the other knee seems, worse my luck, to want to join.

SOMETIMES, calandale, the best and indeed sometimes the only defense is a good offense, when you know full damn well that the opponent is going to use you as a punching bag given a chance. Would you stick around and let somebody batter the crap out of you? I doubt it. And yes, run for it if you can, but when the chips are down, sometimes it has to be done. And who the fuck would sympathize with a bully intent on tormenting those they see as most vulnerable and the easiest target, until they take their own lives?

Now, don't get me wrong, some of his later responses afterwards I find VERY disturbing, especially things like targeting former employers and the like, thats messed up. And wrong, even if they are cunts, unless they are actually actively there, trying to stamp your skull into mulch.

But as I say, IF the chips are thrown down and it is all one can do, save to accept being repeatedly haing the shit kicked out of you by those who despise you simply because you live and breathe, it is they who are in the wrong, not the person who strikes such an assailant, to put them down and out on the count. If YOU were being bullied for being autistic so severely, that you were on the brink of taking your own life to end that torment? what would YOU suggest? offing yourself FOR them, handing the bullying, evil (and yes, bullies are just that) little swine the victory they so desire and would rejoice in on a silver plate? or driving a knee into their groin when one tries to beat on you for being a 'retard', a 'spacker' a 'mongoloid freak', a 'spastic' and leaving them there on the ground nursing their sore, aching set of nackers?

I'm guessing if that were a situation you were put in, you'd choose your own survival, you'd choose the persecutor to fuck off and stop persecuting you, thanks to a newfound fear of the results of trying to persecute you, rather than to be tortured day in, day out as if it were a game being played, and you being the ball to be kicked.

Or am I wrong?

The OPs subsequent posts are unfortunate, and most alarming, as well as worded in just the kind of way that gives us spazzes a bad rep by the ignorant. But the way he or she first presented their problems, it did indeed look like they were being used as a punchbag. And NOBODY deserves a bully or bullies to use them for sport. Least of all because they are autie or aspie. Those that do that to our kind, they ARE in the wrong, there is no arguing against THAT. Bullies are trash, and the toll of innocent human lives that must end every year per country thanks to such bullying is sickening, that can never be the right thing, to allow it to happen. And such people shouldn't be made afraid to defend themselves.

Worst comes to worst, it is better to have to present a case of self defense in court, than either be killed directly, or driven to suicide by torment and torture. In life, one has to think of one's own personal safety and rights, and act to protect oneself from having those rights to life and personal safety being taken away, especially for the mere amusement of some mindless, bullying thug.

So I did what I could, knowing at the time what the OP had been saying. His LATER responses, AFTER my post on the other hand, those are situations where no, I wouldn't consider it valid response to attack and smash somebody into the dirt, again save only where they are indeed nevertheless going to subject one's person to violent attack.

And it IS how things work. Those who are preyed upon, aside, all too often, humans, defend themselves in whatever way they can. Why should WE not defend OUR selves, when some vicious predator seeks to make us bottom of the food chain?

I know I sure as shit won't stand for it. Either being done to me myself, or were I ever to see it being done to another who cannot defend themselves for whatever reason. Would you stand by, say, and let a little old lady get mugged and battered? if you would then I really have very little respect for you whatsoever. Right is right and wrong is wrong. And unfortunately we don't always have that luxury of being able to just tell some arsehole to piss off, and to walk away. Sometimes one must, in the correct circumstances, if it boils down to it, exercise that right to self preservation. I have that right, you have that right, everybody has the right not to lie down and take it as a whipping-boy for some shithead thug.

I sure as shit don't want to see this guy kill himself, anymore than I want to see him strap a nailbomb to himself, walk into a crowd of people and take out the lot, just to weed out a few dirty little bullying pieces of trash, calandale. What he posted AFTER I posted those defense tips-and thats what they are, DEFENSIVE countermeasures, not tips on going hunting for vengeance, that wasn't what I was encouraging or trying to encourage. What I was trying to do, was help somebody who seemed to be at their wits end, to the point of possible suicide, to defend themselves from the depredations of bullying thugs.

Something everybody has the right to, is not to have to worry about being battered in an unprovoked assault any time they would walk out of their door. The right to both life and dignity; and to self defense against those who would take these basic, fundamental personal rights away from one by force and brutality.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2018, 07:18:09 AM »
Nope, I'm being genuine for once.
Every interaction with the human beings is like being invaded with little recourse.

I have obfuscated my identity behind a smokescreen of distortion to which even I'm lost in. It's my final and last line of defence. I fight on terms with myself by myself. I shall unravel only once the damage has been done.

Uuum, yeah. This histrionic nihilism isn't as edgy as you think it is.  :jaded:

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2018, 08:01:05 AM »
Goading someone to cum at you is not edgy ether. Sorry to disappoint.

Anyway, at the root of it is actually to do with anxiety. Having hallucinated and suffer from physical pains from it, it's not abusers that I'm dealing with but their mere presence is enough.

And I don't believe violence is the best treatment for it ether.

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2018, 10:39:11 AM »
Goading someone to cum at you is not edgy ether. Sorry to disappoint.

Are you a masochist of some kind? Do you enjoy being treated like a dirty little whore??  :ATM:   :eyebrows:

Anyway, at the root of it is actually to do with anxiety. Having hallucinated and suffer from physical pains from it, it's not abusers that I'm dealing with but their mere presence is enough.

Are you sure someone didn't slip some LSD tabs into your drink??

And I don't believe violence is the best treatment for it ether.

Too bad, you might make a good posterchild for ANTIFA.

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2018, 10:46:48 AM »
I'm glad you're back, mdagli1.  :zoinks:

To go along the mission is to become one with it. Nothing is impossible. By invocation, we self-actualize. This mission never ends. This life is nothing short of an ennobling revolution of internal choice. Stardust is the driver of rejuvenation. Power is a constant. Imagine an evolving of what could be. We must awaken ourselves and develop others. The future will be an eternal deepening of knowledge. Consciousness consists of morphic resonance of quantum energy. “Quantum” means a deepening of the non-dual. The goal of electrical impulses is to plant the seeds of presence rather than greed. You and I are starseeds of the stratosphere. Although you may not realize it, you are powerful. Without aspiration, one cannot dream. Yes, it is possible to eradicate the things that can destroy us, but not without consciousness on our side. Desire is the antithesis of health. It is in redefining that we are awakened. The fount of divinity is now happening worldwide. The quantum matrix is approaching a tipping point.

Ignore the shitspeak from the gopher...

Yeah, instead you should take Lestat's violent advice and land yourself in jail.  :zoinks:
