
Which position do you take?

I get to trigger people for myself
I get triggered by people by myself

Author Topic: hater vs hated  (Read 7562 times)

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Offline mdagli1

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hater vs hated
« on: January 21, 2018, 10:31:50 PM »
Do you hurt people or are you hurt by people?
A NAS site user described this type of choice as a 'double blag' and I wanted to know what were your thoughts on this.

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2018, 10:36:33 PM »
Shouldn't both options be selectable?

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2018, 11:01:48 PM »
One of the good things about being older is that I've learned to do both on a far less regular basis.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2018, 12:11:30 AM »
One of the good things about being older is that I've learned to do both on a far less regular basis.

You hurt my feelings  :bigcry: :autism:
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2018, 01:08:35 AM »
Shouldn't both options be selectable?
Unfortunately, a personality disorder is not a developmental disorder.
Faulty personalities project their negative energies onto others whilst developmentals tend to reflect negative energies back onto themselves.

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2018, 05:45:01 AM »
Welcome back.

Offline Jack

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2018, 05:45:42 AM »
Shouldn't both options be selectable?
Or a neither option.

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2018, 07:44:36 AM »
In my case its both. I will start a fight, for certain specific reasons, like seeing a kid being battered by a group of older thugs, against which the kid is obviously defenseless) or similar sorts if thing where a gang is attacking a lone person, a wouldbe thief trying to mug someone etc.

Also if communications between myself and one or more others are very obviously breaking down to the point where a fight is inevitable. In such cases I'll not wait for end--stage provocation to happen, I'll  just attack, going for whoever seems to be the hardest looking one, to inflict a blow intended to cripple them and make absolutely certain that whichever scumbag would have been the greatest threat won't play any role in the conflict, and have to have their injury treated in hospital before they can walk again (I.e something like a sideways-aimed stamp kick to the knee joint, intended to rip off tendons, break bone etc, and cripple the opponent physically and through hideous, shrieking agonizing pain No, not very nice, but there really isn't any such thing as 'nice' if being assaulted, you either fight nasty, vicious, dirty and without the least thought of being forgiving, or you get your head kicked in; or worse.

Basically you have to do what you have to do, regardless of how distasteful, how brutal, pain-inflicting, or permanently, irrevocably untreatably crippling an injury you deal out. If some pack of shitheads start it, then remember that a pack is a lot more dangerous, by a LONG fucking way, and its an ideal situation in which to get torn to pieces if you are alone, unless of course you are packing and they aren't.

But if you cannot escape (always the better option-run like fuck an don't stop until  certain you've lost the little wankers ) and HAVE to fight,  if its you vs a pack  then aim for every blow to break  bones, snap tendons, crush windpipes, remove one or both eyes,  rupture eardrums (the way to do yjis is to clap both hands, slightly cupped, over both ears at once, the sudden pressure-wave ruptures the eardrums of an enemy. Very effective, but of course only a tactic when it must be used. It'll put even a serious hardcase shitbag thug on the ground screaming [but unable to hear hinself scream, as you've just rendered him deaf; may as well follow it up with a stamp on his lower ribs, close to the inner side of the torso, where the ribs are easiest to break whilst he is down, making certain he stays where he is put until an ambulance puts him elsewhere ( don't ring them youself at all if posssible; otherwise use a payphone and push the '999' with a stick to avoid DNA evidence, and use fingers to dial your own number, making a quick answerphone msg to home or cell, and make it bland crap, make it shortly, a few before calling the ambulance.....but better not to call help for them, puts you at legal risk and besides they don't deserve it, they deserve to be left to scream in the agonizing pain they brought upon their worthless, subhuman selves.

And don't use a payphone close to the one used to call an ambulance if any have injuries that would otherwise end up fatal. Use one some distance away, pull any hood etc. over your head and alter your voice as best you can.

Legal obfuscation and deniability is important, especially if you've just taken on  several 'people' and smashed their faces in, gutted some  thug with a broken bottle, or worse. I which case never draw attention to yourself by calling them, help,  just leave ASAP, either someone else will hear the screaming and ring the  ambulance, one might be capable of using one  the thugs phones, or they will suffer and die as they deserve.

IMO if somebody is a fucking thug who goes round looking for what seems to them like the most vulnerable, easiest target, to batter for 'fun' andmaybe jack for property while at it, if they find out that they just tried to bite off something a LOT bigger and nastier than they can eat, then GOOD!, so much the better!

One less attacker of  innocents and piece of trash walking our world.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2018, 09:42:04 PM »
OMG mdagli1 finally posted! :GA:

Unfortunately, a personality disorder is not a developmental disorder.
Faulty personalities project their negative energies onto others whilst developmentals tend to reflect negative energies back onto themselves.

It's nice to see you're still a half-full-glass type of guy.  :zoinks:

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2018, 10:50:52 PM »
One less attacker of  innocents and piece of trash walking our world.
I'm uncertain if that would work when dealing with an abusive employer or a partner that actively choose to play on a condition.

If terrorising the hated developmentals to support the abuse from haters is considered the norm, should I kill myself for being a targeted individual or kill myself AND other people?

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #10 on: January 22, 2018, 11:19:58 PM »
That is actually a really good observation IMO regarding projection vs being on the shitty end of the stick.

Whilst both are, as far as I understand it, ingrained, a personality disorder, whilst just as persistent, and there for the duration, does cause others to suffer. Whilst I've never had a conversation about it with someone with a personality disorder, from everything I have ever either read, or directly seen, THEY don't suffer from it, others suffer because they end up through whatever means, in the sphere of influence of the turd with the personality disorder. Those with a developmental disorder, or a developmentally-acquired 'disorder' (such as autistic spectrum 'disorders' [hah, as if. If anything we are more demanding by nature of an orderly environment, as evinced by hostility towards major changes in life in a great many of us auties and aspies, not so sure about Rett's girls, since I only know one, and she is a chimaera, and as such highly, extremely atypical, so much so as to more or less take the entire clinical handbook on Rett's syndrome, write it in ogham, turn it upside down, and attempt to reconstruct it after setting it on fire and boiling it in acid, from the ICP-MS spectrum of the isotopic ratio of elements present in what used to be its makeup, AFTER the acid-boiling.) Completely and totally the opposite of everything you'd think to expect if before being introduced, you'd read on Rett's, had one first studied all the available literature on it. Unless 'contrary as fuck in a celibate order within the first church of anti-profanity' is a newly added defining symptom as of this year.

But AFAIK we all want structure in our lives, or most of us. The majority at least, and many NEED it like I need my lab, and both myself and every other denizen of I2 needs oxygen to breathe and exhales CO2, with the nitrogen content of the atmosphere discharged without use. And in other respects, I'd not be quick to call it a disorder either. Certainly not this autie, or the others I've met. And the others, are legion. Aspie, HFA, LFA, in-the-middle-F-A. The vast majority seem, as long as conditions which are contrary to our nature are not forced upon us, to be happy. Unless MADE to be unhappy, autism in and of itself does not seem to be an active driving force for misery. And generally, it is either environmental conditions or the active hatred of others towards us, bullying, esp. when young, that makes us unhappy. In the case of those with personality disorders, they are a vile force for distribution of hate and suffering.

And in certain cases of developmental conditions, such as Down's syndrome, those with Down's, are often spoken of as having an innately pro-happy disposition, in fact in my reading, I don't think in the case of Down's specifically, being the cause of somebody being mired in despair.

In the case of personality disorders, its a different kettle of fish altogether; and a different kettle of rotting, decaying, diseased fish at that. One that doesn't give a flying two-fingered dead dog fuck about anybody BUT themselves. In short, in both reading and experience, utter bastards. Although I'd freely admit the clinical literature doesn't tend to use the term 'what a fucking cunt; diagnose, make damn sure you are correct and then shoot in the stomach with a shotgun at close range and leave to die slowly and in torment'

Mdagli1-I'd say 'don't abuse people, but if one goes around abusing people and treating oneself like a god at the expense of everyone around one being treated like dog crap being scraped out of the treads of one's boots, then don't be all too surprised if one of these days, such a person ends up taking a sharp object in somewhere vital'

And by 'developmental' do you MEAN 'developmental disorder' (w/ disorder possibly being spoken in snarkage) or do you mean 'personality disorder' (such as sociopathy, psychopathy, borderline personality disorder [seen this up close, not me personally but unfortunately had to live with one for a few years...it felt like living a ratio of 1 year=century, and more of a sentence handed down than a life. And it narrowly missed ending up with the death of at least one of us, on several occasions. In the end, it was the fact that the creature I lived with attacked with a sword, whilst I had been able to blockade the bedroom door, and that I two, own a sword, and also had a dart rifle, a S&W, and a .22 airgun, and the former with some rather nasty things tainting the round in the barrel, meant for both rapid extirpation of a target and if one did live, then slow, nasty removal of same on so much as a glancing hit.

And if you mean a nasty, vicious thug who derives glee from assaulting, tormenting, potentially sexually assaulting, and bullying other, innocent people, usually/often picking on those they see as weakest and least able to defend themselves or to seek the help of another in defending themselves from such predation and/or sexual exploitation, then yes, they should be destroyed.

Because such are no better than a rabid dog. You cannot cure a dog infected with rabies, all you can do is put it down, hopefully before it kills somebody. And in the case of a rabid animal, they are not sentient humans, and they are not what they are meant to be, because their brain is being destroyed by the virus infection that will kill them too, as well as their victims.

In the case of a homo sapiens who simply derives sustenance and glee from the agony and torture of people, then they are filth. And probably incurably so. Bullies, and simple bullies who know no better may be taught otherwise, but in those who are virulent, torture-loving feasters upon the infliction of suffering, pain and misery upon human beings, then they too, they are worse than a rabid animal. Because whilst a rabid dog may pass on it's dreadful disease before it dies, and cause horrific suffering in the process of this, its acts are not premeditated and do not stem from the cause of the rabid dog's desire to inflict suffering and misery, they do not thrive on it, and have no more responsibility for it, than does an epileptic person who during a seizure, whilst unconscious etc., accidentally strikes a carer across the cheek.

But a homo sapiens sick little fuck, is just that, a sick little fuck. And the best that can be done is to put them down.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #11 on: January 22, 2018, 11:46:45 PM »
Because whilst a rabid dog may pass on it's dreadful disease before it dies, and cause horrific suffering in the process of this, its acts are not premeditated and do not stem from the cause of the rabid dog's desire to inflict suffering and misery, they do not thrive on it, and have no more responsibility for it, than does an epileptic person who during a seizure, whilst unconscious etc., accidentally strikes a carer across the cheek.

But a homo sapiens sick little fuck, is just that, a sick little fuck. And the best that can be done is to put them down.
Whilst most conditions are not out of choice by the host, would you might consider that a personality disorder IS a choice?
Whilst I'm all for euthanasia as an option for all regardless if healthy or not, should we reflect back at our tormenters for their predatory behaviour?

I wish to do something about freeing myself from these problems other than acting as another enabler.

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2018, 01:05:05 AM »
It doesn't SEEM to be from what I read. Brain architecture does seem different in those with vs without PDs. If somebody is a psycho, thug etc. and attacking you, then don't feel guilty for acting in self defense, or in defense of another. Prey should not have to feel guilt for striking back in defense against a wouldbe predator. It is the natural way of the world.

Those who are not at the top of the food chain in their ecosystem have defensive mechanisms usually. And if possible to do so, they, when something attempts to devour them, will strike back.

It doesn't matter if the example of 'those' is a single-celled marine alga species which produces a lethal biotoxin,  such as saxitoxin from the infamous 'red tide', or a little brightly colored, almost plastic-looking little jungle frog, only the size of a fingernail, yet so poisonous that a single frog possesses within its body enough of such a potent poison that there is enough toxin within that one little tiny frog, which itself  isn't actively violent towards other creatures than those it eats to live, but which is used defensively, lies sufficient of so virulent a poison that wee frog could, if it's defensive poison were divided equally, kill two large, adult, bull african elephants in moments, and when a jungle tribal hunter fires a blowgun-dart tipped with that venom, wiped across the back of the more toxic types of such frogs at a large ape in a tree, that ape drops from the ground instantaneously from the merest grazing scratch and is dead seconds after beginning its fall, long before ever hitting the ground. And so toxic are the most deadly of the dart-frogs that a large dog will die from a fatal heart attack within a few heartbeats merely from setting foot upon a piece of paper which such a frog's millimeter-sized toes trod upon. These frogs will exude their uber-fatal poison, batrachotoxin, when threatened, as well as its naturally being present in the skin of these amphibians, as a defense, one which must be both ultra-rapid acting and fatal in the extreme if it is to successfully act as a defense on the individual, rather than overall on the species level against a large predator, before being swallowed and dying, even if it would kill the predator after, but the frog dies all the same.

Yet, as deathly toxic as these little creatures are (actually, captive-born ones are not poisonous, they obtain the poison, and accumulate it in their bodies from their prey insects, which are thought to be one or more species of Melyrid beetles) they are tiny, and meek. They know full well what they are, as evinced by their bold, aposematic coloration, (coloration in a life-form which is bright and gaudy, not for the purpose of camoflage but to broadcast the message 'fuck with me and you are history, motherfucker', just like a wasp, or the hood of a cobra. It doesn't have to hide and seek shelter from wouldbe enemies, because it knows full damn well what it can do.) but at the same time, if not molested, that deadly frog won't seek out confrontation, aside from of course, its insect diet. But should something attempt to attack it, then too bad for the other critter, because it is screwed, with the exception of one species of snake, which has a unique voltage-gated sodium channel subtype mutation which renders it less susceptible to batrachotoxin (although the snake, if it attempts to prey on, and spits out such a frog, will still be made very, very, very ill, but at least some of the time, will eventually recover, and survive to know to eat anything but those frogs in the future. (also a very few birds, such as the Ifrita and the Pitohui, also contain batrachotoxin, although are not so deadly as the frogs themselves, but even contact of human skin with a touch of their feather reportedly causes numbness and tingling, eating one would probably on the other hand kill quite a few people, given the lethal weight of batrachotoxin is less than perhaps 1/5th of a single average sized grain of salt)

No shame in defending oneself if persecuted. If attacked, it is the natural way to defend oneself.

Of course as human beings with higher logical thought process capability, and who don't subsist on a diet of deadly poisonous beetles and build up the poison in our own bodies, we aren't bound to use deadly force upon a given assailant. Not to say in CERTAIN cases it might not be the only option.
But one need not kill a man for slapping one across the face. On the other hand, were it a wouldbe rapist, then they have it coming.

From my own point of view-whenever I leave the house, I leave it with the intention of minding my own business and going about my way. Going about my way unharmed by the deliberate actions of others. However if another sets about me with the intention of delivering unwanted/harmful force to my person, or that of somebody I care for then they can expect force to be met with force. And if I am certain that unprovoked hostilities are inevitable and I cannot retreat, and especially if the enemy is in number, and certainly if they are armed, I WILL strike the first blow if I am physically capable of doing so, and if I must do so, then that first preemptive strike will be one struck such as to do maximum damage in minimum time and to incapacitate the attacker. And if there be more than one, I'll do it again. I can if I must, and I have.

But when I leave the house any time I do, I do so only with the intention of my interactions with any and all being peaceful in nature. With the one exception of certain kinds of individual who do certain things way, way way past any threshold for being tolerable to anybody. Such as were I to witness a rape in progress, a child abduction, etc. And if I see someone torturing animals, whilst I've never seen a child kidnapper at work kidnapping, I have met a paedo once, somebody who without doubt, had been convicted and jailed for it, and yes, I kicked the living shite out of the fucking twat, pardon my french. And I neither felt any remorse for it at the time, despite his not having aggressed personally against me myself, nor do I feel any now. If I saw him again, I'd do it again without hesitation.

But if I meet somebody who ISN'T beyond sick-fuck like that child abuser and rapist, then I'm not going to begin the hostilities, with the two exceptions of the pre-emptive strike in self defense when hostilities cannot be avoided by any choice I have the capacity to make, and the other being in defense of another. In either case, I am not what you could call particularly forgiving. I don't go round STARTING the beef with people, but if I must act defensively then neither am I gentle about it, assuming genuine bodily harm is meant me, or another is being bullied.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #13 on: January 23, 2018, 05:01:34 AM »
Hit back when hit at, otherwise laugh inwardly at the absurdities of people and life generally
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2018, 03:34:39 PM »
Ug, I don't want to accept that my condition attracts haters as much as I do.
I want to kill myself, not them. They deserve to take my life because the laws of nature say so. To admit otherwise would be a betrayal of facts.

If I was Jesus, I would get my dick out and tell god to suck it by swinging it around in the air. Because let's face it, even he too took his own life by proxy.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 03:37:24 PM by mdagli1 »