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I get to trigger people for myself
I get triggered by people by myself

Author Topic: hater vs hated  (Read 7548 times)

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Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #165 on: January 30, 2018, 04:12:34 PM »
There are always shotguns in the UK still. Or building things like ECT cannons, railguns, gauss pistol/rifles, electrolaser based weapons, perhaps sonic weaponry.....

Or he could get an airgun in the smallest caliber available (.177) and repeatedly shoot himself with tiny pellets starting at the feet, until he dies of lead poisoning.

Or hell he could go suck on a piece of window-lead 24/7 until he gets even more brain damage.

His idea of a gas can, why not. Why not :P Give a man a fire and he'll keep warm for an hour, SET a man on fire and he'll be toasty for the rest of his life. Whats the matter, raisin-balled, pencil-dicked faggot too much to go ahead with it? you could put your knob into a pencil sharpener and grind it to pulp, then bleed out. I'm sure you'd have no problems fitting it in there.

See, look. I went to so much effort to give you those suggestions because I care about you so much.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #166 on: January 30, 2018, 06:20:06 PM »

Why thank you, greatly appreciated that you are thinking of me. I mean lets face it, I am all your fault.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #167 on: January 30, 2018, 06:34:26 PM »
Have you ever taken responsibility for anything in your life??     ever??

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #168 on: January 30, 2018, 06:38:14 PM »
Sure I have. I'm  responsible for all sorts of awful things :autism:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Yuri Bezmenov

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #169 on: January 30, 2018, 09:01:36 PM »

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #170 on: January 30, 2018, 09:12:26 PM »

Nope. I sit in my bedroom all day playing games and posting online my feelings about being shit at life.
One day, I will be gone and so will you because our lives don't last forever. So make the best of it by making other lives worse. Because in the end, there is only yourself to blame that you can't live for eternity.
Unless you have kids to abuse, what legacy are you going to leave behind besides from a few words on a screen and a big o pile of shit in the sewers?

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #171 on: January 30, 2018, 09:20:49 PM »
Would have (possibly..long story) been responsible for a kid too. But the mom, if she was telling the truth and the ultrasound scan really was hers, fucked off, never to be seen again. Bit of a psychobitch, although which bits are somewhat debatable. Certainly fucked in the head (no, thats not my fault, I fucked her in the regular place, at least, as long as lying partway up the stairs, on a sofa, on the floor and over a table counts, but she was already fucked in the head, I just didn't know about it at the time I fucked her just about everywhere else bar the kitchen sink.

And I don't think she'd have fit in there, besides I've got glassware in need of cleaning on the counter top, so that would have been a bit tricky at best, and like her, a waste, potentially, as well.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #172 on: January 30, 2018, 09:38:42 PM »

You should go back to fucking each other. That in itself is what humans are built for, to pass on the disdain that what they are are nothing but shit bags making lives worse for everyone else.
If I could look after myself properly, I would go about ruining so many lives... Starting with my own kind, YOU.
People are born out of hate and there is nothing more hateful than coming into this world ready to be mould into a retard at no fault other than themselves.

So in short, FUCK YOU and your hollow existence because only my dick is big enough to satisfy your empty cold resentfulness. Cunt

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #173 on: January 30, 2018, 09:47:16 PM »
My dick is so big I have to drive a convertible.  :zoinks:

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #174 on: January 30, 2018, 10:03:31 PM »
Lol gopher, yeah right. Although at least we couldn't fit ours into a pencil sharpener, like the OP obviously has.


If your going to do that, and start fucking up your own kind, why not start with a really weak, pathetic victim, to give yourself some training. Since your pretty stupid and need it pointing out for you as to who, go look in a mirror and point at it.

As for what will I have left behind when I'm gone? well helping to pioneer a safer version of the Birch-Benkeser reduction that clandestine chemists could use to make meth, and avoid having to use dry ice/acetone baths or/and special condensers, plus a potential lot of risk, and also help, hopefully stop (in the US) non-bee cooks stealing anhydrous ammonia from farms, by helping to pioneer a variant whereby lithium is used as a fine suspension in anhydrous diethyl or diisopropyl ether, and this is gassed with a constant stream of GASEOUS anhydrous ammonia rather than condensing it down to a highly dangerous, cryogenic and corrosive liquid, to preform the lithium-ammonia complex and liberate solvated electrons. No, it isn't the notorious shake and bake (which is asking for a bomb going off in a cook's face, literally), but a non-pressurized variant of the Birch reduction. It works, its more convenient to set up, and its an awful lot safer than handling anhydrous liquid ammonia., about helping, after a little inspiration, to pioneer a microwave-assisted synthesis of 1-phenyl-2-(beta-nitro)propenes from benzaldehydes that cuts the needed reaction time from 6-7 hours right down to 20-30 minutes, and produces considerably less byproducts and less wastage of precursors?

Or a novel clandestine opioid, that has an analog one can even use for two purposes, one way being a propionylated variant of this particular piperazine based opioid agonist, and the other to use the propionylated intermediate in a reaction with benzoic anhydride or benzoyl chloride and a sacrificial base, to produce the AMPAkine nootropic (thats learning and memory enhancer, since you are obviously a moron in need of something of that sort) DM-235. Two, potentially three birds with one stone, depending on how practical decarboxylation of N1-propionylpiperazinium hydrochloride goes compared to N1-formylpiperazine.

Lets see....being the first human being I've been able to find reference to ever bioassaying alpha-chloromorphide, the intermediate to desomorphine.

Probably saved somebody's life, once, after a suicide attempt. After running a good few miles without stopping to guide the paramedics to somebody and point them out. She might not have been very pleased with me for it, but still, did a good thing by saving her life.

And hey you should be thanking me personally for your time in this world, after all, somebody had to have it away with your mother. (partial thanks go to the Durex company too in your case, for their defective product)

Lol...can't even be a proper sad. I blame your mother's genes though, mine are good enough. I blame the sheer potency of the shittiness which can be ascribed to your mother's genetic code, for that unfortunate happening. I guess since she was lying up the stairs whilst I bummed her much of my jizz must have ended up falling out of that slack chasm that passes for an arse in a creature such as your mother. Silly little boy, your wasting your time here. If your going to kill yourself just go for it and stop whining. Surely even you can manage to hold a kitchen knife, a screwdriver, or a broken bottle to your neck and whack it with a hammer. Afterall you obviously have the use of at least one of your hands, since you have typed posts here. Thats enough hands to use to kill yourself. And you really are stupid if you talk about killing yourself 'if you could look after yourself properly'

That kinda goes against the entire point of killing yourself dumbass.

As for your last comment, you really shouldn't talk about your mother like that. Thats our job yeh daft arsed dollop of sewage.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Lestat

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #175 on: January 30, 2018, 10:09:28 PM »
And hey you might have more time to wise up and kill yourself if you laid off the child porn for a bit.

(although whether the OP is the consumer or was the product is anybody's guess...although my money is on the consumer, since what self-respecting (now theres a contradiction in terms) paedophile would want to fuck an ugly overgrown baby like him after all? :tard:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #176 on: January 30, 2018, 10:21:52 PM »
My dick is so big I can only have long distance relationships.  :zoinks:

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #177 on: January 30, 2018, 10:38:31 PM »
Then its too bad you have all the sex appeal of a paediatric oncology ward :spazz:
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline mdagli1

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #178 on: January 31, 2018, 12:56:31 AM »

Oh look, I triggered a hater into inflating himself. Good for you. When your done playing chemist, maybe you should put yourself down and quit bashing the hated like myself. I'm going to do what I want to do regardless and if you have any self respect left, you would go fuck yourself instead of making more unwanted people. Such a self righteous piece of shit you turned out to be.

So in short, suck my dildo. Because I've obfuscated myself behind you. I'm mean, what's there to reflect when I'm in the shadows shovelling the shit back up your arse?

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Re: hater vs hated
« Reply #179 on: January 31, 2018, 02:40:32 AM »
You never answered my question.
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