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Offline Walkie

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #30 on: January 12, 2018, 12:45:05 PM »
Actually, the number of whites at Google is about proportional to the general population. Asians are *gasp* overrepresented while other minorities are underrepresented. This is entirely explicable by culture. No racial discrimination there.

Women are arguably overrepresented too, given that few women find tech to be particularly interesting which was the whole point of his memo, which was backed up by the bulk of science (evolutionary psychology) on the subject.

Er, no.

This appears to agree with the first articles claim 80% male engineers, but that's also an accurate reflection of the hiring pool. Females represent 20% of engineers, and 20% people who even seek out engineering degrees. If females are or aren't innately inferior as engineers, and the reasons why they do or don't seek engineering degrees, is irrelevant. Promoting gender equality in a specialized field gets tricky when the qualified applicant base isn't equal, regardless the reason. It doesn't seem promote equality to expect 80% of engineers to compete for only half the jobs.
Absolutely. Have a virtual plus  :plus:

Scap made a good point essentially, but then he  went and spoiled it by seizing the opprtunity to  bang on his Evolutionary drum.  .

It bugs me that statistics are repeatedly misinterpeted and misappropriated  to support  some simplistic social narrative.   Prejudice does exist, but if you're gonna find it in all the wrong places  and throw out wild accusations, that's only gonna increase peoples' prejudice against SJWs and every "minority"group they get behind.  Oh! and  enhance grudges, left , right and centre. 

I was recently told by  two different women, both  of asian extraction  that they thought the  Benefits system was discriminating against them. I asked for details , and in bioth cases it transpired that the sysrem was treating them in the exact  same way that it treated everyody else. That is appallingly, inhumanly and  unreasonably. But without  a shred of racial discrimination.

They remained dubious, in spite of my assurances. ( i was tempted to tell them my experiences, which easily capped theirs. But that would have been too much like playing trumps with misery) Fact is, it's just a very hunman thing for people to think that they are more hard-done-by than the next man. And it's fucking irresponsible to  enccourage that belief, which is what these SJW's unthinkingly do, all the time.  Meantime,  you also have underprivileged white Brits who feel that they are more hard-done-by, of course.  And they (convincingly) cite so-called positive discrimination as evidence.

Simplistic analysis  and positive discrimination are both wonderful tools for turrning up the screws on racial tension (as well as gender relations etc, ofc )  if that's what you want.  And these SJW jerks intend to have the oppsite effect, do they?  I very much question that assertion.  Either they are dumb as fuck, or else their unconscious motivations are diametically opposite to their stated intent.  My money would be on the latter, though that doesn't exclude the former of course.

Discrimination surely exists, but there's got to be a better way of dealing with it.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 12:46:43 PM by Walkie »

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #31 on: January 12, 2018, 02:24:16 PM »
When your sewer break, how many times will you have a woman come to fix it? What about when you need your high rise window washed? What about when you someone to build your home? Now it MAY be that the reason you do not see many women is because they are pressured not to and the over-representation of males in this area is due to discrimination.

That is one theory BUT I would hazard a guess that it has FAR more to do with the fact that men and women are different and make different choices when it comes to work-life decisions. Look I will even go one step further I will say that MOST of the women that rail against over-representation both have NOT EVER seriously considered working in the roles they say are over-represented by men (or roles over-represented by men generally) AND were it to be mandatory that THEY take on these roles or ANY women HAVE to take on these roles to make up numbers on some enforced representation tally, they would baulk.

I think MY theories have far more legs than the Patriarchial over-representation theory.

Progressivism is bullshit virtue signalling. It is all about feelings and no substance. "It's about social justice!".....really? Isn't it a whine by people that cannot embrace realities? Isn't it a disingenuous to cherry pick their offences without having to back their commitments with any reasonable alternatives? See it all sounds nice and reasonable and righteous until It has to stand up to actual reality. The fact is IF anyone wants to allow choice then the outcomes are reflected by choices and the outcomes good or bad are a result of the choices made. If a lady wants to be a teacher or a nurse, that is a choice and she is free to make that choice BUT she cannot then gripe if her husband earns more than her because he chose a field that pays more. They both had choices. She also has no reasonable leg to stand on if she makes broad claims about her female friends and colleagues about their lack of earnings if they by and large make less pay-centric choices.

It is not about social justice or righting a is a whinge.

Society sure as shit should not pander to this kind of unfettered bullshit.

This is my humble opinion.

Sorry but WTF are you on about?

The matter at hand is not difficult to grasp. A spazz violating a bunch of social boundaries and company policy but lacking the brains to sue for the right thing. But discrimination against white conservative males? Seriously, FFS?
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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #32 on: January 12, 2018, 02:26:15 PM »
Nor, of course, did I say that Google was an unsafe workplace. In fact, it would require the comprehension of a chimpanzee to suggest that I was saying that. You are not a chimpanzee are you Minister of Silly Walks.

It would require the intellect of an amoeba to suggest something along these lines.

Sorry, Al, just using your argumentation style. Surely, you can do better.
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Offline odeon

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #33 on: January 12, 2018, 02:29:31 PM »
Actually, the number of whites at Google is about proportional to the general population. Asians are *gasp* overrepresented while other minorities are underrepresented. This is entirely explicable by culture. No racial discrimination there.

Women are arguably overrepresented too, given that few women find tech to be particularly interesting which was the whole point of his memo, which was backed up by the bulk of science (evolutionary psychology) on the subject.

Er, no.

This appears to agree with the first articles claim 80% male engineers, but that's also an accurate reflection of the hiring pool. Females represent 20% of engineers, and 20% people who even seek out engineering degrees. If females are or aren't innately inferior as engineers, and the reasons why they do or don't seek engineering degrees, is irrelevant. Promoting gender equality in a specialized field gets tricky when the qualified applicant base isn't equal, regardless the reason. It doesn't seem promote equality to expect 80% of engineers to compete for only half the jobs.

My only point is that Scrap is talking out of his ass. You, OTOH, are talking about expectations. The stats above are facts as of 2017. There are no expectations given.
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Offline Calandale

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #34 on: January 12, 2018, 04:31:52 PM »
Why are they hiring so many non-tech asians?

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #35 on: January 12, 2018, 05:10:30 PM »
The matter at hand is not difficult to grasp. A spazz violating a bunch of social boundaries and company policy but lacking the brains to sue for the right thing. But discrimination against white conservative males? Seriously, FFS?
Having trouble identifying the company policy broken. He was part of a workshop and asked to contribute a viewpoint which he did. The rest is where it gets tricky. His contribution received no reaction from the workshop, so he started emailing it to other company associates. Do believe he wanted a reaction; only maybe not as severe as the one received. Agree with what he said in the second article; it wasn't a company problem until someone leaked it outside of the company and the news latched onto it. He had an excellent track record at work, so this would be more appropriate as some sort of reprimand and blemish on his record. Firing seems extreme when the company specifically asked for his viewpoint in the first place. Will agree on the point of suing for discrimination; wrongful termination seems sufficient.

Offline Walkie

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #36 on: January 12, 2018, 05:41:12 PM »
Why are they hiring so many non-tech asians?
It says  that "Ethnicity data is US only"

If it were Brirain, I'd hazzard a guess that they have an "ethnic minority" quota to fill , and  they mostly  fill it up with Asians,  cos asians are highly-regarded as employees, and also highly motivated to "improve themselves"   as a rule ,

Well, so  it's been said *shrug* . Can't say I've checked the stats, but I first heard that theory (20 years -or- so ago)  from a black bank manager who was looking to move to the Midlands (from London) and  was having a hard time getting a job . He said "If a black man walks into a bank up here,  they think he's come to rob it, not apply for a management position". He might have had a valid point. But that prejudice is based -in part, at least- on genuine cultural differences, so it;'s hard to judge it's influence from statistics, just the same as with women. 

Back then, we had a whole load of second-  generation Afro-Carribean youths, floating around and  groping  for a sense of cultural identity.  They weren't exactly projecting the right sort of image  on the whole. But they were not all the same , ofc.  Oh! and neither was I projecting the right kind of image to get myself a decent job, come to that, so please don;t read that as disparaging, on my part. 

The black population here is a lot more diverse nowadays, but, well... I'm not gonna go into that cos it's complex, and it really is hard to access the truth behind the stereotypes and  to enquire into it without offending anyone.  But there probably still is some truth in what he said.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 05:45:09 PM by Walkie »

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2018, 05:56:38 PM »
If it were global, it might be where they have support centers.

It may just be that Silicon Valley has a huge Asian population. Or people applying where someone they know works.

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Offline Walkie

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #39 on: January 12, 2018, 06:37:39 PM »
^  Yep! gotta plus Cal for hitting the nail on the head.

Offline Walkie

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2018, 06:40:36 PM »
...but hang on. That doesn't reflect the demographic very well. Where are all the Hispanic people? Ahh, i dunno, I was  assuming that all of Google's premises are in Silicone Valley wasn't I? And I actually haven't a clue about that. Hmm, Also assuming that the ratio would change as fast as the population changes, which is silly , unless they have a scarily fast turnover of staff (heck, could that be why they;re sacking the white guys? to adjust the ratio ?  :LOL:)
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 06:48:15 PM by Walkie »

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2018, 07:38:48 PM »
assuming that all of Google's premises are in Silicone Valley
No, but the Asian percentage of employees at their headquarter location might be much greater than the US overall percentages shown.

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2018, 07:46:37 PM »
I would assume that a lot of people in non-tech roles at a company like Google would have a tech background. A friend of mine recently made it to the final 2 candidates for a senio management position at Google and he is a former software developer. His plan was to get me a non-tech role there as well and I am a former software developer.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2018, 06:11:13 AM »
I would assume that a lot of people in non-tech roles at a company like Google would have a tech background. A friend of mine recently made it to the final 2 candidates for a senio management position at Google and he is a former software developer. His plan was to get me a non-tech role there as well and I am a former software developer.

I'm not sure what things like tech management qualify as. Technically, they could be non-tech,
given what they actually do, but I suspect they still get rated as tech.

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Re: James Damore files class action lawsuit against Google.
« Reply #44 on: January 14, 2018, 03:26:12 AM »
Thinking those would be seen as tech jobs.
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