I thought we were comparing Malmö with the US.
yep. He's got you there, Scrap

However, the mention of the place aroused my interst and so I checkeded it out on Wikipedia. Here's a passage fom there that neatly explains their high crime rate, IMO:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malm%C3%B6Although the transformation from a city with its economic base in manufacturing has returned growth to Malmö, the new types of jobs have largely benefited the middle and upper classes. While the inner city becomes gentrified and the upper-middle class have settled the Western Harbour, little has changed for the inhabitants of the districts of the Million Programme; Malmö remains a city of sharp social divides and high unemployment.
Now, isn't it well-known that criminal gangs tend to arise amongst the socially deprived? I do very much agree with gun control legislation, but it looks to me like the more equal distribution if wealth would reduce gun crime (as well as other crime) a whole lot more effectively that restricting access to guns would.
But the 1% consider that too high a price for the to pay, I suppose.