Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Conservatives Worry Feminists Are Using Witchcraft To Destroy Trump

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If some of the items in that grimoire weren't confined to the distant past, and now not to be found, I might just be tempted to put a hex or two on that orangutanesque mitotic catastrophy.

Fun With Matches:
I only just noticed you spoke about hexes. Do you believe in them?

I was largely being facetious, FWM. I am certainly interested in knowledge of the beliefs of various groups, but that does not mean that I myself am one of any such group. Even if I did, there are items in that grimoire that at the time of its being written, could be bought, such as some kind of 'red-stone' I forget the exact name, from any pharmacy. Now such an item just could not be found, its too old to be an object to be found in modern society.

Thus even if I did, it would be impractical. And besides, one shouldn't call up what one cannot also put down again, if you see what I mean there.


--- Quote from: Fun with matches on January 15, 2018, 04:30:35 AM ---I only just noticed you spoke about hexes. Do you believe in them?

--- End quote ---

I do.

I've got sheets of paper filled with them.

Fun With Matches:

--- Quote from: Calandale on January 15, 2018, 09:54:17 AM ---
--- Quote from: Fun with matches on January 15, 2018, 04:30:35 AM ---I only just noticed you spoke about hexes. Do you believe in them?

--- End quote ---

I do.

I've got sheets of paper filled with them.

--- End quote ---

I don’t get it.


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