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Conservatives Worry Feminists Are Using Witchcraft To Destroy Trump

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--- Quote from: Lestat on January 01, 2018, 04:44:05 PM ---...I've even got an antique grimoire somewhere.

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Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Icequeen on January 01, 2018, 03:49:46 PM ---
--- Quote from: Lestat on January 01, 2018, 02:43:34 PM ---What is etsy?

And if feminist witches ARE hexing trump....they can't be very competent witches. If they were then they wouldn't have to do it repeatedly and often. They'd just sacrifice a black cockerel or whatever they do, and have him drop dead on the spot.

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It doesn't work that way. Even with those that identify as satanists instead of wiccan or pagan.

Only in the movies, or with kids that normally don't know any better.

Those sneaky Catholics are far more likely to sacrifice chickens... and serve them with gravy and mashed potatoes.  :zoinks:

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Got an old, fabric bound surface, old, yellowing  pages, not sure how old it is, but it covers subjects like the elementals of earth, air, fire and water, referred to as things like dwarves, salamanders etc., as well as scrying, angelic magic, necromancy, demonology, complete with the names and ranks of the demons, demon dukes, princes, kings, lords of hell etc. as well as enochian magic of Dee, earth magick, air-magick, fire- and water-nymph-summoning/control magickal practices, magick based on numerology, various summonings and banishing rituals.

Got it at a knockdown price, about £9-10 maybe at most £12. Quite a bargain IMO.

(yeah, I know, I know, I have a rather eclectic library, everything from programming in C++, dephi, to Anton Szandor LaVey's 'the satanic bible' and his 'The Satanic Rituals', the grimoire, to books on computer hacking and cracking, to books on chemistry and folders full of chemistry, pharmacology, and biology research paper printouts; Vladimir Kren and Ladislav Cvak's 'The Genus Claviceps', a book which is more or less the bible when it comes to Ergot (Clavicipitaceous fungi) to centuries-old physicians medical training and knowledge books. A textbush of medical immunology, books on wicca, wilderness survival manuals, a copy of the BNF. And EVEN works of fiction!! like warhammer 40k novels. (I admit it, I do read fiction, sometimes. Preferably warhammer/warhammer 40k, including fan-written stories, as long as they are good ones. And X-com fanfic, since I'm a HUGE fan of the X-com series videogames. I grew up with the ones in the early '90s)

But I have read other fiction. Like lord of the rings, the hobbit, the silmarillion and some other fiction. Although much of my library is devoted to other topics. It is..well....a bit different. Although I have to admit, I like it. Even some of the fiction. A lot of it got left behind by the former housemate, the psycho fucking hellbitch I kicked out, because she tried to gut me with a samurai sword, along with a whole host of other shitstirring, thieving and generally being a delusional, bipolar, borderline, false-rape-crying-on-multiple-people fucking cunt-isms. After I kicked the fuck out of her and then kicked her out to the curb with nothing but the clothing on her back and her asthma inhaler thrown at her. (I wish I hadn't even given her that much. Given a second time round, I'd have taken the leather trench the former BF she cried rape on bought her, because I've only got two, maybe three that are full-length, as well as 4 smaller, waist-length leathers, two of them really, really tight, intended for young girls, because I love the way they squeeze like fuck when they are zipped up, after I stop sucking in my waist and breath out again (spazz pressure thing) and a leather bomber jacket that is nice and heavy and comfy, especially worn over one of the tiny mini-jackets, that for a male my size are more like skin-tight jumpsuits with zips on. And I could have used another, so I should have taken that from her too). I never gave her the books back...I forgot. Not that I was in much of a hurry, and gave all the kiddy-ones to charity. At least all the ones I've so far rooted out.

Although I did get a complete (at the time of those issued when the hellbitch got the boot) set of Jim Butcher's 'the dresden files' as well as his 'Codex Alera', all of them) and those I most certainly did not return. Still got 'em, and for fiction, actually they are quite good, especially the dresden files. The only way I'd have given  those to her back would be on temporary loan. In the form of my twatting her in the face with them haha. (she really, REALLY was a total cunt, and I should have slit her throat when I had the chance. And for that matter so ought have her parents, the obstetrician assisting with the birth, whilst the nurses held the newborn hellbitch down and cut off her arms and legs with a blunt scalpel last used on a HIV patient with the ebola virus, and after that, each and every person to walk past her worthless fucking oversized arse down the street. There are bitches, and then there are bitches. And then there is my former housemate. If she had four more nipples she'd be a double-superfucking-hellbitch :autism:

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Icequeen on January 02, 2018, 05:21:13 PM ---

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