Politics, Mature and taboo > Political Pundits

Conservatives Worry Feminists Are Using Witchcraft To Destroy Trump

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Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Pyraxis on December 23, 2017, 01:04:39 PM ---Etsy stores and sisterhood, oh noes!

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Last year I filled more than half my Christmas list off etsy. That place has some craftmatical geniuses.   :2thumbsup:

What is etsy?

And if feminist witches ARE hexing trump....they can't be very competent witches. If they were then they wouldn't have to do it repeatedly and often. They'd just sacrifice a black cockerel or whatever they do, and have him drop dead on the spot.

And in any case what need is there to curse the guy. He is his OWN curse. He doesn't need help to end up a trainwreck, because he's already there past the point of no return. Who needs to curse a guy that was born a failure and who looks like david dixon given a bad spray tan, force-fed carrots and melons until his stomach almost burst then cooked in a microwave, if he had  a bastard child with boris johnson and been born anally rather than vaginally. His mother and father cursed him pretty bad the very moment one stuck their dick in the other's twat.


--- Quote from: Lestat on January 01, 2018, 02:43:34 PM ---What is etsy?

And if feminist witches ARE hexing trump....they can't be very competent witches. If they were then they wouldn't have to do it repeatedly and often. They'd just sacrifice a black cockerel or whatever they do, and have him drop dead on the spot.

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It doesn't work that way. Even with those that identify as satanists instead of wiccan or pagan.

Only in the movies, or with kids that normally don't know any better.

Those sneaky Catholics are far more likely to sacrifice chickens... and serve them with gravy and mashed potatoes.  :zoinks:

Gopher Gary:

--- Quote from: Lestat on January 01, 2018, 02:43:34 PM ---What is etsy?

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It's a selling/shopping website, but a lot of the things on there are handmade. :orly: This Christmas I only bought one thing from there, but the Christmas before I bought a few clocks that were made from repurposed circuit boards and hard drives. They were really unique and my family are geeks, so they were well received.  :thumbup:

Here's the website.

I KNOW that, IQ. I was just being flippant. I've read a fair bit about both wicca, and the left hand path, LaVeyan satanism, order of the golden dawn, etc. I've even got an antique grimoire somewhere.


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