Author Topic: In Interviews With 122 Rapists, Student Pursues Not-So-Simple Question: Why?  (Read 7322 times)

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Re: In Interviews With 122 Rapists, Student Pursues Not-So-Simple Question: Why?
« Reply #210 on: February 11, 2018, 01:52:47 PM »
I didn't want to look at this but, I gave the article a bit of a read, and was interested by the murderers who felt remorse as compared to the rapists that didn't... I mean the only one who felt remorse is a fucking paedophile who wants to marry his victim!
I think, like the article says it does have to do with accountability but it also has to do with the mindset or a (regular) killer and that of a rapist.

A lot of murders are the result of moments of rage. A partner pushes their spouse down the stairs, somebody shoots their boss to death over an office dispute. There are obviously killings that the murderer spends months or even years planning for but many are acts of rage, some of it split-second. It costs somebody their life and ruins dozens of others. People snap or they lash out causing a death. And they have to live with what they've done for the rest of their lives.

That is those who feel remorse. Many don't, arguing that the person deserved it or something. But with a base statistic based on the people this woman talked to, there is a far greater ratio of (regular) killers who express remorse over the life they took than a rapist and their crime.

Every rapist thinks they're going to get away with it, either by the belief that it won't get reported, a drugging of the victim or they'll even "silence" them in the case of a rape-homicide. It's about power and how they can express it with the belief that they won't face any consequences and nobody will really get hurt (at least in their mind, no body=no harm done). The mindset of a sick fuck like this is actually more similar to a TV killer than a real (regular) killer is or even a serial killer.

Like I said, a lot of real life murders are caused by split-second moments, but every rapist is truly evil. I don't care what made them that way, the next time one makes a move on me I'm probably going to kill them.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2018, 07:38:05 PM by Some_Bloke »

Offline Lestat

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IMO the killer who reacts on adrenaline and commits a crime of passion, loses control, is going to be far more likely to be remorseful than the bugger who just doesn't give a flying fuck about others, and as far as they are concerned, what others possess is theirs if they want to take it.

As for the nonce that wanted to marry their victim, that isn't fucking remose. Bollocks it is. Thats just a pervert being a pervert.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Offline Calandale

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IMO the killer who reacts on adrenaline and commits a crime of passion, loses control, is going to be far more likely to be remorseful than the bugger who just doesn't give a flying fuck about others, and as far as they are concerned, what others possess is theirs if they want to take it.

At least SOME rapes are crimes of passion. No idea on statistics, even among prosecuted ones.
Given that such are more likely to be within relationships, I'd suspect you see less convictions.

Offline Lestat

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I could see in some instances that being the case. But the likes of a drunken rape isn't what I'd call a crime of passion, more one of negligence.

The only crime of passion that I could see including rape, would be the occasions where two people agree to fucking but one changes their mind part way through and the other fails to react fast enough in cessation of sex to be satisfactory.

Whereas drunken rape is one of callousness IMO. Or if not callousness, incoherence and negligence at best. Which is not meant to be taken, BTW, as ascribing responsibility or its inverse to either party in such an encounter.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Calandale

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Your imagination is too limited. Rape is an act of violence and domination.
It often is associated with domestic violence.

Offline Lestat

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Thats what I meant by callousness.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Calandale

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I don't see the increase in 'callousness' between raping someone under such
circumstances and killing them.

Maybe I value life more than pussy?

Offline Lestat

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I was referring to crimes of passion in the legal sense, and not limiting it to rapist who also murders their victim.

And of course raping and murdering the victim is worse than rape in isolation. In the former case, a woman at least has a CHANCE at remaking their life, taking back what was stolen from them. A corpse cannot do so.  Someone raped has something critically important to them stolen by force, someone raped and murdered has that perpetrated against them twofold.

And as for 'value life more than pussy', IMO its pretty cuntish to play down a rape victim who isn't killed also, as merely 'pussy'. Try valuing both. In the sense of valuing women sexually not on your own part, but on theirs. Not to say one cannot value both of course, and I wouldn't say that I didn't value said part in both senses myself, but I do indeed value a woman's womanhood for their sake and not mine, in addition to valuing it for my sake, for those who wish to give of it to me. With consent. Not that I'd have it any other way, I fucking hate rapists and paedos.

(although of course, who the fuck doesn't. And if they don't they should)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Calandale

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Eh? You're being obtuse.

The 'crimes of passion' here are just a difference in the outcome.

Some will murder, some batter, others will rape, within the context of a violent domestic argument.
Do you see a rape done in such a rage as somehow different? How about a punch or a shove - do
those also not qualify to you?

Offline Lestat

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The typical mentality around rape, from the rapist point of view (and no, I am not claiming to be their spokesperson :P ) is that it is around dominating, exerting power over the victim. Quite different from the mentality that would lead to somebody getting riled up and swinging a punch in the heat of the moment.

And IMO another rather telling point would be that even a usually reasonable man or woman can, if enough effort be put into it, no matter how peaceable they usually are by temperament, be provoked sufficiently that they will turn around and twat you one.

The same cannot be said for a rapist. You can't really just persuade an average, decent human being to go out and commit rape. At least, not a violent rape. serious fuckups involving issues of consent can happen, and sadly, do, but you can't really provoke someone into going out and raping someone violently, any reasonable person, in such a situation, if there was to be violence, it would with IMO very little doubt, end up as the person that someone is trying to provoke turning on the provocateur and subjecting THEM to the violence, on the grounds of anyone trying to provoke someone into committing a violent rape is a fucking piece of shit and deserves a beating.

Just trying, to persuade someone else to rape a third party is more than enough grounds to knock the howling blue crap out of the person making the persuasive attempt. About the only way I could see that most people could be 'persuaded' to go out and commit a violent rape is the application of torture as a motivating stimulus to do so, because there is only so much anybody can take before they either crack, or die due to the torture itself. Or else take their own life, if they can.

There will always be exceptions to the argument, to any argument more or less. We aspies/auties/Rett's girls ought to know that. We often ARE the exception to various arguments, rules, categories etc. (not comparing being spesh with being a rapist, obviously. I'll leave that kind of two-bit garbage to the tabloid media/toilet paper*)

*in need of either, just pick the first that comes to hand. It'll be as interesting or as devoted to the spreading of truth and awareness as the other, irrespective of which one you picked. The only real practical difference is that only one of the two STARTS OUT being full of shit. The toilet paper has to be caused to be so by being used. Something its counterpart never will know about, because to be used, somebody or something, somewhere at some time has to have a use FOR it. Bog roll, yes, it sure beats leaves or moss, all ready packaged and guaranteed scorpion-free, but the type of media that flogs that sort of image of us is already piled high with faecal matter. And perhaps not from scorpions,  but there is usually plenty of poison in there too.

Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Calandale

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Go commit a rape' is not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about a violent confrontation within a relationship. Such violence is already
going to be about power and control - likely on both sides. It is very much in keeping
with that to express dominance.

Now, I don't know 'the typical mentality' (of rapists? - that's what you seem to be saying).

I do know that some statistics (no clue as to their applicability overall: http://www.tariolaw.com/shocking-marital-rape-statistics/
https://healthresearchfunding.org/21-spousal-rape-statistics/) seem to show that domestic rape
is fairly common. This is just speculation, but I doubt many domestic rapists simply decide
I'm going to "Go commit a rape," and their partner is the most handy subject. I really doubt many of them
are being "persuaded by someone else to rape" their partner.

So yes, it seem to me to be someone being provoked 'sufficiently' to 'twat you one', by rooting it in an available hole.

[fucking sizing bug makes posting so damned hard ]
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 09:39:33 AM by Calandale »

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Go commit a rape' is not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about a violent confrontation within a relationship. Such violence is already
going to be about power and control - likely on both sides. It is very much in keeping
with that to express dominance.

Now, I don't know 'the typical mentality' (of rapists? - that's what you seem to be saying).

I do know that some statistics (no clue as to their applicability overall: http://www.tariolaw.com/shocking-marital-rape-statistics/
https://healthresearchfunding.org/21-spousal-rape-statistics/) seem to show that domestic rape
is fairly common. This is just speculation, but I doubt many domestic rapists simply decide
I'm going to "Go commit a rape," and their partner is the most handy subject. I really doubt many of them
are being "persuaded by someone else to rape" their partner.

So yes, it seem to me to be someone being provoked 'sufficiently' to 'twat you one', by rooting it in an available hole.

[fucking sizing bug makes posting so damned hard ]
I'm surprised the stats were that low tbh.
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

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I'm surprised the stats were that low tbh.

Considering that marital rape didn't even exist until quite recently, some women (and sometimes men) may not differentiate "rape" from "my spouse really wanted sex and I didn't, and my spouse won".
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Offline Lestat

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I wasn't referring to domestic incidents or/and drunken/intoxicated ones. I mean, for a normal human being, to go out, calculating to commit violent rape, it just doesn't strike me as the sort of act that one party could persuade another, second, rational, decent human being to perform, and that the most likely result of the first party trying to do so, would be unless physically prevented from doing so, quite likely feeding the rape-persuader a knuckle sandwich with headbutt sauce, served between a pair of bony kneecaps in lieu of burger buns. For being the kind of complete twat who wants a violent rape to take place. That'd be my first reaction, to kick them all the way to mars then half the way back again. (and if practical leave them there with a large water supply and oxygen tank. Knowing that they'd slowly, slowly die for being such a bastard, knowing they had no hope whatsoever of any other outcome than either suffocating/starving to death or else suiciding by opening their suit to the vacuum and having their eyeballs explode and their lungs collapse. (hopefully, but only after a long damn time spent thinking about why they would support a woman being fucking raped)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Calandale

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So, this tangent started with:

IMO the killer who reacts on adrenaline and commits a crime of passion, loses control, is going to be far more likely to be remorseful than the bugger who just doesn't give a flying fuck about others, and as far as they are concerned, what others possess is theirs if they want to take it.

At least SOME rapes are crimes of passion. No idea on statistics, even among prosecuted ones.
Given that such are more likely to be within relationships, I'd suspect you see less convictions.

Your imagination is too limited. Rape is an act of violence and domination.
It often is associated with domestic violence.

It's not called a conversation if we're not reading what the other is saying.