The typical mentality around rape, from the rapist point of view (and no, I am not claiming to be their spokesperson

) is that it is around dominating, exerting power over the victim. Quite different from the mentality that would lead to somebody getting riled up and swinging a punch in the heat of the moment.
And IMO another rather telling point would be that even a usually reasonable man or woman can, if enough effort be put into it, no matter how peaceable they usually are by temperament, be provoked sufficiently that they will turn around and twat you one.
The same cannot be said for a rapist. You can't really just persuade an average, decent human being to go out and commit rape. At least, not a violent rape. serious fuckups involving issues of consent can happen, and sadly, do, but you can't really provoke someone into going out and raping someone violently, any reasonable person, in such a situation, if there was to be violence, it would with IMO very little doubt, end up as the person that someone is trying to provoke turning on the provocateur and subjecting THEM to the violence, on the grounds of anyone trying to provoke someone into committing a violent rape is a fucking piece of shit and deserves a beating.
Just trying, to persuade someone else to rape a third party is more than enough grounds to knock the howling blue crap out of the person making the persuasive attempt. About the only way I could see that most people could be 'persuaded' to go out and commit a violent rape is the application of torture as a motivating stimulus to do so, because there is only so much anybody can take before they either crack, or die due to the torture itself. Or else take their own life, if they can.
There will always be exceptions to the argument, to any argument more or less. We aspies/auties/Rett's girls ought to know that. We often ARE the exception to various arguments, rules, categories etc. (not comparing being spesh with being a rapist, obviously. I'll leave that kind of two-bit garbage to the tabloid media/toilet paper*)
*in need of either, just pick the first that comes to hand. It'll be as interesting or as devoted to the spreading of truth and awareness as the other, irrespective of which one you picked. The only real practical difference is that only one of the two STARTS OUT being full of shit. The toilet paper has to be caused to be so by being used. Something its counterpart never will know about, because to be used, somebody or something, somewhere at some time has to have a use FOR it. Bog roll, yes, it sure beats leaves or moss, all ready packaged and guaranteed scorpion-free, but the type of media that flogs that sort of image of us is already piled high with faecal matter. And perhaps not from scorpions, but there is usually plenty of poison in there too.