Lol 'Raxy, I plussed Elle too, for the exact same reason. Geek Chic

And poor Pauline. Jesus. Elle, that article, that is heartbreaking. And that fucking BITCH 'mother'...christ fucking wept. To not only take all the money she earned (and good on her for getting the work to begin with, that must have been hard for her) only to have it all taken away from her. That in and of itself sickens me. But to threaten to throw HER out if the rape charges she brings stand....fucking christ. Its not her fault she was raped, fuck no. Its the fault of the fucking bastards that not only did it but tried to pressure her into saying she wanted it and it wasn't rape.
I admire, I really, really admire the way she shined there with inner strength and fire, insisting that when she was raped, that no matter what pressure they tried to put on her, it is still rape. There are so many MR girls or guys or that matter who wouldn't have been able to, or might but would have caved in. Pauline didn't. And was strong enough to find her own niche, her own place in life the way she deserves. Although for her to be split up by distance, because she can't go back to her 'mother' to be closer to the MR guy she took as her mate, that is heartbreaking. I hope, I even pray, although I am not religious, that she will be able to one day, one day real soon, find a way to not just write to her husband. Not even BF, but HUSBAND...throwing her out because she brought a rape claim against her rapists...her so called 'mother' needs to be fucking fucked up. And damn would I love the opportunity to be the one to bring her her karma on a silver platter, to be shoved right up her ass, flat-ways.
Poor, poor pauline *wishes for a kneeling and weeping 'smiley' to use here*. But at the same time, strong, powerful pauline, pauline the lioness who did not back the fuck down and, whilst I would very, very rarely EVER lavish praise upon of all, a judge, good on the bugger, for assigning her her own personal lawyer in addition to the district attorney. Judge or not, praise be upon him, and may he live long, and prosper, for that act of personal compassion, there, there was a man who stood up for who needed someone to stand by her side, and who did what was right.
I admire, as well as feel terrible pain, for pauline. Pain, for what happened to her, and the way she was exploited for her earnings and disability benefits (christ...not wanting to lose them and that being a factor....what I wouldn't do to give that bitch foster-mother a piece of my mind, and for that matter, a piece of my knuckle sandwich). IMO someone should still stand for her, and force that socalled foster 'mother' to repay each and every penny, plus the interest she could have earned had she spent not a single fraction of a penny for the entire time of her earning both disability benefit and the income from her job, and had that put in THE single-most high-paying interest bank account extant in her country, for the entire time the first penny of income came to be her rightful property. And for that matter, brutally punitive damages from her, and the rapist fucks. That foster 'mother' makes me almost as sick as the rapists themselves. She's as bad at least. I can't say 'worse' since she herself did not actually commit the act of rape. But she protected them, she tried to turn it to her advantage, and kicked HER out for making the report to the filth. Fucking bloody shit, I hope she burns in hell. And if no hell there is, I hope somebody fucking well burns her alive here on this plane of existence.. I know nothing of there being deities or otherwise, but all-forgiving or not, I doubt some of the ones that are, if there are any, would forgive those bastard sons of whores all. If *I* were omnipotent and of infinite, unbound, all-encompassing mercy....I would still come down incarnate and beat the living fucking shite out of the 'mother' and the rapists all. Until they shit blood and faecal matter from their noses, my god-size combat boots having been rammed so hard up the arses of those bastards. That would BE my mercy. My mercy for poor, yet strong Lioness Pauline. May she ever be loved by her husband and may they be reunited both by day and by night, both sharing breakfast and sharing bed.
Strong woman. I admire her immensely for not caving in, no matter how much support she needed for it. And for having the guts to say 'fuck you then, I'm going' if her foster 'mother' was going to be like that. Having the guts to do that to keep her husband. And having the guts to tell HIM that if he wanted to be with her, that he must offer his own hand in marriage to her. I hope she made him ask upon bended knees and beg her permission to speak her name when he asked her permission.
And now that they are husband and wife, IMO the state ought to support their right to be together as man and wife. No. As wife and husband. For she comes first here. She is the Lioness. The tiger-souled, strong woman with the ass-shaped boot. And ever may she be so. What a woman. If strength alone, and neither personality nor looks, was the candidate entity by which we as human beings sought mates and sought to pledge our love, and judged whether or not we loved another, I could see myself pleading my case to offer myself, body, mind and soul to that woman, for her strength of character. I don't know her, I never will. But were that the ONLY way people in human society sought a loved one, I could see myself doing so, with great admiration and humility just to be in her presence. For such does she deserve from all who would speak her name or look upon her face.
Live long, and prosper, Pauline.
Live long, and prosper, Pauline's Husband and true lover. Live long and prosper TOGETHER, both of you, live long and love long, you both deserve it and both deserve to be in each others arms, to grow rich and to grow strong, to cultivate joy in one another's life and heart. MR? fuck the MR, what is important is that you stood up for yourself, strong tigress, and you pulled through, and bowed not your head like a meek sheep to the slaughter to exploitative filth and those who sucked the dicks of said filth for their own gain.
If I could plus pauline, I'd do it. As many times as the forum software would allow it. For a full 366-day leap-year.
Honor to you, strong tigress. Honor, joy and prosperity.