Might as well revert to the karma discussion. Can't be any more off-topic than butter

I almost never notice Karma changes, I fear. If I did, I might behave differently - lots of people didn't like what I say.
Be afraid, Cal, be very afraid:
Top 5 smited users: Calandale 1159
You're no . 1 on the forum hate stats! Legendary!
On the other handm, subract this figure from your present karma (-173) and it's clear that you've had a total of 986 plusses. Considerably more than I have,
Recent karma reveals that you're going up fast, with plusses far exceeding negs; which in turn betrays that you actually
have changed your behaviour. So if this is bad thing, then tough. Get used to it.
On the bright side, though: I'm pretty sure that we all prefer the new improved Cal
If you want to continue looking badass , then you'll just have to revert to old behaviour berfore it's too late, won't you.? But that would be a stupid reaction to a bunch of silly stats. Glad you're resisting