Author Topic: In Interviews With 122 Rapists, Student Pursues Not-So-Simple Question: Why?  (Read 7397 times)

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Offline Jack

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The point may not to be to demonize every male, but generalizing males that way does demonize males. Rape is no exception to violent crime, as primarily perpetrated by males; this is true, but the population percentages of violent criminals related to any type of violence in no way justify generalizing all males as potentially any type of violent criminal. Every male is a potential murder, batterer, robber, whatever; it's a bunch of demonizing crap.


I mean, we seem willing to demonize butter, smoking, and drinking and driving based upon such statistics, why not
clearly identifiable segments of a population? It may well be worth study - but for those who want a rule of thumb,
it seems reasonable to adjust based upon such data.

Missed this. Why what? Think there's a difference between demonizing butter and people. Maybe am just an optimist. :laugh: Sure, people can walk around viewing everyone everywhere as potential demons, but it seems like doing that would be unhealthy in forming and maintaining interpersonal relationships. The facts show the overwhelming vast majority of people have the greatest potential to not be violent criminals. Rules of thumb are great and all, but they're also widely accurate.

Offline Calandale

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Yes. They are accurate. At least enough so to provide some protection.

Personally, I like butter a lot more than males.

Offline Walkie

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Might as well revert to the karma discussion. Can't be any more off-topic than butter  :green:

I almost never notice Karma changes, I fear. If I did, I might behave differently - lots of people didn't like what I say.

Be afraid, Cal, be very afraid:

Top 5 smited users: Calandale 1159
You're no . 1 on the forum hate stats! Legendary!

On the other handm, subract this figure from your present karma (-173) and it's clear that you've had a total of 986 plusses.  Considerably more than I have,

Recent karma reveals that you're  going up fast, with plusses far exceeding negs;  which in turn betrays that you actually have changed your behaviour. So if this is bad thing, then tough. Get used to it.

On the bright side, though: I'm pretty sure that we all prefer the new improved Cal

If you want to continue looking badass , then you'll just have to revert to old behaviour berfore it's too late,  won't you.? But that would be a stupid reaction to a bunch of silly stats. Glad you're resisting :)

« Last Edit: January 06, 2018, 08:45:06 AM by Walkie »

Offline Calandale

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I haven't changed. All those negs came from the democratic experiment really.

It was easier to get karma (in either direction) back then, so it could be quite volatile.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Yeah, it was everyone else.  :zoinks:

Offline odeon

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Of course it was everyone else. He didn't ghey himself. :M
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Is it even POSSIBLE to give karma by an account owner TO the same account? in either direction. I CBF testing it, so figured you'd probably know.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline odeon

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I doubt it. My account is speshul, though, so I can't test it.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Calandale

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The interface doesn't support it. Should be able to fake a request, but there might be a constraint.
Not really interested in testing it.

Offline Jack

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Is it even POSSIBLE to give karma by an account owner TO the same account? in either direction. I CBF testing it, so figured you'd probably know.
A user doesn't see the option the change their own karma.

Offline Walkie

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I haven't changed. All those negs came from the democratic experiment really.

It was easier to get karma (in either direction) back then, so it could be quite volatile.

I was there, Cal. I wasn't  participiting much , cos it was a lot more fun chatting with Wolfie and Pyraxis on Yahoo! Heck, i  never even made it to the 500-post mark  til a couple of years or so back;  but i was there. and you've changed IMO. I think we all have. Grown up a tad, perhaps?   

...or not, if you insist. 
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 02:26:42 PM by Walkie »

Offline Calandale

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I haven't changed. All those negs came from the democratic experiment really.

It was easier to get karma (in either direction) back then, so it could be quite volatile.

I was there, Cal. I wasn't  participiting much , cos it was a lot more fun chatting with Wolfie and Pyraxis on Yahoo! Heck, i  never even made it to the 500-post mark  til a couple of years or so back;  but i was there. and you've changed IMO. I think we all have. Grown up a tad, perhaps?   

...or not, if you insist.

I doubt it. I'm not capable.

If an opportunity exists to play the game of political formalism again, I am sure that
I would annoy everyone every bit as much.

Offline odeon

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Admitting that you would, and have, is progress.  :-*
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Calandale

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I was completely aware that my special interest in that topic was driving people mad at the time.

Offline El

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The prevalence of alcohol and drugs is why Department of Justice in 2012 amended the definition of rape, to include anyone who is too mentally incapacitated to give consent.

Female risk factors are identified by the Center for Disease Control on pg. 11.

As for the drug/alcohol percentages, it's a mixed bag. Sort of like rape stats in general; they're largely based on surveys. So even if one were to take the lowest numbers, 50% is about it.
The National Institute of Justice states 'at least half'
The National Institute of Alcohol Abuse states 'about half'
The US Department of Justice states 47%
This article cites 80% from a university age study that isn't open source so can't verify the quote, but here's the article and study.
I'd plus you if you didn't want blank karma.   :thumbup:
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.