Author Topic: In Interviews With 122 Rapists, Student Pursues Not-So-Simple Question: Why?  (Read 7235 times)

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Offline Lestat

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Rather you than me, matey. You first. I'd sooner stick my fucking cock in a blender full of Lyngbya :autism:

Shit, I'd sooner commit bestiality with an NT. And a 70-something year old crack-whore junkie bitch who gives head for bread, only has difficulty in the extreme consuming said bread, as she as one, manky, scraggly, messed up yellow tooth and has a both a face like a slapped arse and a cunt you could lay tracks in and run a train service from, that nobody would fuck without both being blind in both eyes AND putting a bag over her head.

No, I don't hate NTs, but I confess, the idea of having sex with one is about as appealing as chil std molestation on a josef fritzl-esque scale. Happy enough to be friends with NTs who act in such a way as for friendship to be deserved, but fucking one is NOT something I'd consider. The thought turns my stomach.   honestly, it rit.eally does make me want to vom
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Walkie

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The claim that 'all men could be rapists', aside from the purely mechanical possibility of acting thus due to possession of a penis, is misandry and propaganda at its worst.
I don't see any evidence of misandry in this thread though. Do you?

I probably come closest to saying "all men could be rapists" when I said that ordinary people are capable of committing atrocities, under the right conditions... but there's no inherent bias against men in that statement. You could accuse me of making excuses for rapists , on that basis,  indeed (and i actually was accused of that IIRC).

I wasn't making excuses ofc, I just think that if we refuse to consider that an otherise good (ish) human being could do something that bad to another human being, then we're missing the chance to learn something socially  useful. I'd sooner figure out how not to press the wrong  buttons .

As someone pointed out, rape has been used as a weapon of war. Repeatedly. Throughout history. On a massive scale. and soldiers are ordinary blokes, by and large.  So how does that happen? Because propaganda effectively dehumanises the enemy .  The enemy aren't  "people", they're "gooks" or what-have-you, aren't they? Dehumanise a human who commits an act of rape, by reducing him to that epithet "rapist"  is just fighting fire with fire.  If we can't face that people do ugly things to each other, then we'll never figure out how to prevent it.

I've not been raped, but, as I said, I have been groped in intimitate places without my consent-  which is something that leads to almost as much disapprobation these days.  One case was interesting, in that the man was my boss, and a pretty decent man, on the whole.  According to gossip he'sd actually screwed every female member of his staff, except myself...and i did wonder if all those women truly wanted to have sex with him, or if...well, they thought they'd  better not say "No" to the boss, or something like that.? Me, I whirled around and slapped him in the face when my turn came and he didn't take "No" for an answer.  He was highly surprised by that and  said "Nobody's ever done that to me before" . Thereafter , he kept his hands to himself, and treated me with respect, and even with genuine kindness at times.  I ogt to know him pretty well, because i sometimes went out with him- and his girfriend-  after work. (she really liked me . And I'm should think that  the fact that she knew the story was a factor, because she surely didn't like him screwing everything that moved)  But the thing is:  at no point did I ever get the impression he was a bad person. Just remarkarbly dim.  I don't believe  it had ever  occurred to him for one second that he was exploiting his position of power;  he just genuinely believed that  he was god's gift to women and that we all found him irresistable.

Unfortunately for me, that guy  quit a few months  later, and an out-and-out, power-mad, despotic bastard took his place. That the out-and-out bastard kept his hands to himself was the only good thing you could possibly say about him.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2018, 09:34:10 PM by Walkie »

Offline Lestat

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Walkie hun, I did NOT mean you. I mean feminist fuckups who are so far gone down the feminist path that anything with a Y-chromosome is viewed by them as a devil made flesh. Ignoring the fact that without men, there would, after perhaps 60 years there would never be another potential feminist born.

Those, being the cunts who CALL all men potential rapists. Sure, anything with a penis has the physical ability to rape something with a vaginal canal, but in reality, there are people who just could not. I am one of them. I just know, deep, deep down, as definitively as I know that I was born with a pair of legs that have feet attached to them, a pair of arms terminating in hands and fingers on the end, and a neck with a head on top with two eyes, a nose, two ears and a mouth positioned in various parts of said neck-end. I know it as I know I am autistic. I know it like I know I am a chemist. I know it like I know I used to forgo sticks to knock conkers down from trees and used a breech-loading grenade launcher I built in my spare time to blast them out of the tree by the shower.

I know it like I know that I would step in front of cazzie if somebody were to point a gun at her and pull the trigger. (you know who I mean walkie, obviously nobody else does, but you know what I mean) I couldn't do it. I might possess the biology that is requisite to physically commit the act. But to actually perform the act of rape itself. And if I saw it happening, I'd be in there like a cannonball to take the rapist to pieces.

Walkie, I think I know how you feel. I never have been raped, but twice, someone has tried. Once as a child, stopped him with an iron bar through the stomach, and another one threatened to after kicking the fuck out of me, had to stop as I was on remand at the time and he and I both got locked in separate cells after a short 'association' period. By morning he was gone. No idea how or why...honest. I've also got some prime land including a summer palace located in nigeria, I just need you to transfer a million dollars to me in legal fees before I am permitted by the nigerian government to transfer the title deeds to the land. Oh, and I'm a neurotypical in disguise too, I just fake being autistic because I fucking hate those spastics *pokes tongue out through my first two fingers, wiggles it and makes a 'blllleeerrrleeeerrrleerrrlllaahh' sound often used to sarcastically indicate fellatio performed by a male upon a female's frontal nether regions, and makes other motions intended to signify the very height and utmost extremity of sarcasm* 

It doesn't have to end in actual bodily rape. But close is bad enough, its still a violation. (and if practical more than a viable reason to commit pesticide)

I have had a stalker too...but she was different. I fell in love with her, almost as hard as I did over cazzie, almost, only because falling THAT far is simply not a physical possibility which could occur. Met her on AFF, took the exchange of a few PMs, and perhaps one conversation, and she had me. Hook, line, sinker, and yanked me into the lake along with the rod and float. She just had an effect on me....I'd let HER rape ME any day of the week. Hell, I'd beg her to if it would result in her doing it. God fucking damn yes. Ironic. Both the loves of my life I have ever had, and the last, have been at the extremes of age. One just about 14, the other by the end of this year either 50 or 51.

Neither age range is a 'type' I have. I don't really HAVE a 'type' specifically, as long as they are female and spesh, they have the potential to be somebody I could like enough to fall for, if they have the correct qualities. Spazz and female, is my 'type' but that is the limit as to my type.

As for the kind of guy that sees women as property, boast about fucking everybody...christ. I have never comprehended why someone would do that. Its enough to make me queasy. Exploitative types like that are even fucking worse. Disgusting. And the ones that actually think, genuinely, even to themselves, that despite their failure at human existence, that they are god's own gift to women....I cannot even begin to put into words the sheer and utter contempt I feel for those creatures. They are a fucking disease. A disease I would dearly like to see meet the same fate as smallpox. Perhaps a couple preserved under cryogenic deep-freeze for scientific study to ensure the continuance of the complete and utter extirpation of the humanity-failure of that breed, but otherwise, if I was handed a gun, and enough hollowpoint, and they were all lined up in a row, I would happily walk on down and pull the trigger until every single one of them had an exploded face, after first shooting them in the groin, and then in the stomach, before reaching the end of the line, walking back to the start, and ending them with a third shot to the face. Making sure they all had time to suffer.

If I were a woman and someone touched me like that...god help the guy responsible because I wouldn't. And nor would I be responsible for my actions immediately following being felt up. Broken knees and hamstring/patellar tendon traumatic avulshion would be the very least of their worries.

And walkie, this IS a response to you personally.

'To dehumanize a human who commits rape by reducing him to the epithet 'rapist' jesus fucking christ hun. You are greatly respected by me, you know how much, because there are probably fewer people I have ever told the thing I told you in that PM I sent recently who exist, than I could count on the fingers of one hand. I mean that. But that statement I do not respect. I cannot. It disgusts me.

Humans never, ever commit rape. Once a bipedal, furless primate of the species 'homo sapiens' commits the act of raping somebody, they ARE a rapist. One who rapes, is a rapist. That is what they are. And nobody human commits rape. The moment they do so they are no longer human. They might look like one on the outside, but what is on the inside is something less than an animal, with mostly the biology of a Homo sapiens primate, one that needs first to be interrogated in various manners, scanned via fMRI, PET, SPECT etc. before being strapped to a gurney with drainage channels to a sewer and vivisected alive. With no anaesthetic (since they alter neurological function, they could alter the results of the dissection. And besides, it'd be a waste of anaesthetic.)

By all means, examine them, study them, vivisect them, torture knowledge from them, once 100% doubtless proven not to be innocent, learn what you can. Do genetic analyses and compare the genes and proteomes with cell sample genetics and proteomics, mRNA expression with human volunteers (its noninvasive, requiring a few cells, and those from the brain could be taken from say, heart attack victims who expire in hospital allowing immediate dissection and analysis, deep freezing of viable samples, treating sample homogenates of brain tissue with RNAlater, etc.), but those who rape are rapists. There can be no ambiguity about that.

And once it is proven they have raped, they lose any human status they had before they raped and became thus, rapists; then they are fair game for whatever people wish to do to them, however and whenever, whyever they wish to do it. And no, grabbing a broken glass bottle, forcing it up their chocolate starfish then stamping on their stomach is absolutely ok. Whoever might do that, thats alright, and they are human. Because they aren't committing rape, they are just sticking a broken bottle up a rapist's arse and rupturing their intestines with broken glass. Physical assault, physical torture, psychological torture, physical AND psychogical torture, killing by slow torture..killing quickly, slowly, just cutting them to bits non-fatally and leaving them to scream and scream until they take infection and die shrieking in delirious agony....all alright. Its a rapist. Whatever is done to them is completely acceptable. They are no more either human nor animal than is a punch-bag in a gym. No more human than a toilet being pissed, shat and/or vomited in. No more than the dirt one might gob out a smoked joint-end or bit of chewed gum on, no more a person than a slick of rotting, putrid raw sewage.

What a rapist gets, how a rapist is made to suffer for what they have done, it is deserved. In fact no matter WHAT is inflicted on them, it is less than they deserve, for no suffering which may exist upon this earthly plain (or is it plane? I always confuse the two, when the homophonic word refers to '''''-of existence' can possibly be meted out upon a rapist which is too abhorrent or too vicious, sadistic and foul for them not to deserve it.

And thats NICE, as far as it goes in my book. Those who do it to don't even want to read the page marked 'nasty'. I doubt I've read it myself for that matter. Of course, ignoring 'statutory' bollocks, where both parties are voluntarily desirous of each other's closeness and would be hurt if parted against their will. Otherwise, if done by force...whatever is on that page is SO unpleasant even I'm not going to look at it unless I ever see the event it refers to happen. I'd be permanently psychologically damaged, unless it did, and the red mist came down to protect me from knowing quite what was done to the chomo.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Lestat

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Walkie, I like you too much to do so, but if you were almost anyone else here, I would have to ghey you for that 'rapist dehumanization' remark. As it is, consider this a virtual -, so as not to actually take from your good name. That is WRONG, hun. Absolutely wrong. One who rapes, is a rapist. That is axiomatic. And they never had humanity to begin with if they rape someone. Because people, human beings, do not rape one another.

(I'd exclude say, if my stalker did to me, because I'd have begged her to do it) but that is different. For somebody to force themselves on another without their say-so, that is abhorrent, and it can never, ever, EVER be right. It is sick, sick, sick fucking shit. And those who rape deserve exactly what my second (older of the two) fiancees once did to someone who tried to rape her. Grabbed his cock, yanked it, before ramming a long barbed (at least I think it was barbed, it might have been the shorter straight-bladed one that flicks out of the handle and turns into a shortsword, I wasn't physically present, or the guy wouldn't have got off so lightly) dagger, and ripped it outwards, cleaving his cock into two half-dick pieces.

That is just the kind of shit they deserve. Fucking cunts have it coming. Karma is a bitch, and sometimes it happens to come round as fast as it goes round. Nothing worse in disembowelling one and leaving them alive to die slowly and in screaming, howling agony, as you would be doing wrong by changing the hard drive in a computer, or cooking yourself breakfast. There is nothing, nothing at all that a human being can do to a rapist which is wrong, other than to join in the rape act, or treat them well. If you really must, or physically cannot do so, then performing no act of misery-infliction is just about acceptable in the former case, and of course, totally justified and natural in the second case.

Otherwise, sodomize, torture, and butcher away. Rip their eyes out and fill the holes with caustic potash then sew their eyelids shut, before covering a champagne cork in superglue, shoving it up their ass hole and force-feeding them until they first become morbidly obese, then subsequently burst in an explosive projectile shower of blood, gibs, piss, shit, brain matter (pretty much the same thing as the former two) and semidigested stomach contents along with a bunch of bone fragments. Hell, stick 'em in a microwave and use it to skullfuck them. With their own exploded head  and spinal column. In their arse.

If  a rapist gets it, they deserved it. With the ONLY proviso, that 'it' isn't something good.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Fun With Matches

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^ You said you’d let that girl you love rape you. Isn’t that a form of consent? I’m genuinely asking, as I don’t know. Cos if you let someone rape you, and you’re allowing them to rape you before they do the act, that appears like consent to me. But it would be non-consent if you challenged her after raping you. I assume the former scenario would count though, because you’ve said beforehand that you would let her rape you. :dunno:

Offline odeon

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^ You said you’d let that girl you love rape you. Isn’t that a form of consent? I’m genuinely asking, as I don’t know. Cos if you let someone rape you, and you’re allowing them to rape you before they do the act, that appears like consent to me. But it would be non-consent if you challenged her after raping you. I assume the former scenario would count though, because you’ve said beforehand that you would let her rape you. :dunno:

It's consent. Rape fantasies are common.
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Offline Calandale

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Fantasy or desire doesn't necessarily imply consent.

Offline odeon

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Fantasy or desire doesn't necessarily imply consent.

Of course not, but the way I interpret Lestat, it's a fantasy he'd consent to:

(I'd exclude say, if my stalker did to me, because I'd have begged her to do it) but that is different.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline Lestat

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It isn't a fantasy. Just a statement that if she did it, I'd allow her to do so, and I would not inform the authorities. I would just let her do it.

And enjoy it. Although I don't have a specific desire for anybody to do so. That particular person however, if she DID do so, I'd let her. And no, I'd not be above asking her to roofie me, going out and buying or otherwise obtaining some rohypnol, making a drink, putting a lot of it in one of them, making another without any in, telling her which was which, truthfully, then asking if she wanted me to add some to the drink she was to consume also. But in front of her in both cases, so she would know exactly which was which, and have the choice in whether to partake or not to do so.

Because my stalker, she could do pretty much anything and everything she would want to do in such a manner to me and I would in no way attempt to defend myself. As could my (younger of the two) former fiancee. I'd let her do anything and everything to me. Although I have no rape fantasies. Neither of being the recipient, and most fucking certainly not of being the one to do so.

Even my ex fiancee, the one I love beyond life itself, I don't think I could do it if she told me to. I really don't believe that I have the capability to rape. If either my former fiancee (fiancee no.1) or my stalker were to go to rape me, hell I'd even tie myself up and throw my knives out of my reach. But I am about as sure as I can be, that I couldn't do it myself and take pleasure in it. If someone like the love of my life and soulmate, fiancee no.1 told me to do it, then because I would do anything for her, I think...I THINK I might, possibly be able to think of something else, something loving, her happiness, and get it up, or stick an elastic band round my dangly bits to make the act mechanically possible and go through the motions, if she demanded it of me for her pleasure. But whilst doing so, I would be detached and I could not take pleasure in it. All I could take pleasure in in such a situation, is later, when it was over, taking pleasure in her being pleasured, made happy, satisfied etc. But even a deeply loved woman DEMANDING I rape them...that is the only way I could carry out the act. And I would without doubt have to drug myself in several different ways to perform the act, because it is so abhorrent to me. I'd ONLY do that, in such a case, because fiancee no.1, while we were together, I was her property, hers to do with as she wished. My life, my body, my mind, my love, heart and soul, it all belonged to her. And much of me still does.

Goddamn...thats a seriously fucked up piece of cognitive dissonance for me. It is in all respects abhorrent, but in those specific circumstances I would be left without a choice but to do so. I'd probably end up pretty messed up for a long time afterwards, shaking in a corner, and trying to focus only on her pleasure. It would be..a mechanical act caused by the demand of the owner of property causing it to perform a specific function. So there would be nothing I could do.

To rape somebody otherwise, even one who asked it of me literally, I couldn't do it. BDSM etc...I could not do it to one I loved. Unless it were fiancee no.1, or the stalker, and they ordered it of me. But I could not ever take pleasure in inflicting pain upon them. They might find it pleasurable, if in theory that were either of their things, but any blow I struck would be causing ME the pain. If they asked me to slap them, for example, it would to me, like being kicked in the face, and hurt me badly to comply.

As far as all men being potential rapists...does that sound to anyone like a personality type that is a potential rapist?

The only way I'll willingly strike a female, is one who makes themselves, by their own conduct, my enemy, someone who attacks me and makes it such that I must do so in order to defend myself. Rape is..abhorrent. It disgusts me. If even the one I love most in live demanded it of me, I would have no choice but to comply, but at the same time, I would have to dose myself amongst things to disrupt inhibitions, powerful drugs to inhibit nausea and vomiting, to avoid puking on her because I had no choice but to comply.

But her doing it to ME? sure, I'd consent ex post facto.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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They are driven to it.

Probably couldn't stop themselves from doing it if they wanted to.

Offline Calandale

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As far as all men being potential rapists...does that sound to anyone like a personality type that is a potential rapist?

Maybe. I know that I sure didn't think I was capable.

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"All men are potential rapists".

It's one of the most misunderstood and most often repeated statements out there.

The reality is that most rape victims are not raped by the creepy quiet guy at work, or by a stranger who drags them into a van off the street or who ambushes them in a park. Most women are raped by men they knew and who they never saw as potential rapists.

It is in a woman's best interests to see every guy as a potential rapist. It doesn't mean that every guy would commit rape if given a chance or if he thought he would get away with it. Although, no doubt, a small number of people might believe that.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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"All men are potential rapists".

It's one of the most misunderstood and most often repeated statements out there.

The reality is that most rape victims are not raped by the creepy quiet guy at work, or by a stranger who drags them into a van off the street or who ambushes them in a park. Most women are raped by men they knew and who they never saw as potential rapists.

It is in a woman's best interests to see every guy as a potential rapist. It doesn't mean that every guy would commit rape if given a chance or if he thought he would get away with it. Although, no doubt, a small number of people might believe that.
Especially those who have been repeatedly victimized, and whose experience of the world has done nothing but provide empirical evidence to them that that is the case.  (Not saying it's correct, but saying, maybe have a little sympathy for the people who do believe this, because it's often a believe that comes from repeated trauma.)
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.

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Especially those who have been repeatedly victimized, and whose experience of the world has done nothing but provide empirical evidence to them that that is the case.  (Not saying it's correct, but saying, maybe have a little sympathy for the people who do believe this, because it's often a believe that comes from repeated trauma.)

It is my contention that many in such a position actually have problems which encourage their own victimization.

Possibly uncontrolled behavior without a full rational understanding of consequences; somewhat similar to the circumstances which a rapist might face.

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Especially those who have been repeatedly victimized, and whose experience of the world has done nothing but provide empirical evidence to them that that is the case.  (Not saying it's correct, but saying, maybe have a little sympathy for the people who do believe this, because it's often a believe that comes from repeated trauma.)

It is my contention that many in such a position actually have problems which encourage their own victimization.

Possibly uncontrolled behavior without a full rational understanding of consequences; somewhat similar to the circumstances which a rapist might face.
So, this is one of those things that's correct, but heretical to say out loud around some kinds of feminists and SJWs (I say this as someone who identifies as both) because there end up being screams of "blaming the victim."

The reality of it is, though, that repeated/compound trauma often does fuck up one's sense of what's safe or not safe.  And (probably even more important, because this is a foundational-level issue), also one's sense of one's place in the world- how should one interact with the world, and how is it acceptable that the world interact with one?  There are certain kinds of hurt that cut to the center of one's self.  So, sometimes, there's not just an issue of teaching someone how to be safer.  There's the issue of teaching someone what safety is, trying to help them believe that safety feels good (rather than strange or scary or boring), and convincing someone that they deserve to be safe.

There's also often third factors that are maybe compounded by trauma but also exist on their own outside of it, like poverty, or cognitive limitations, that leave people more vulnerable to victimization.  (Those are two big ones I see a lot of.)

Personally, I don't see these things as issues of victim-blaming.  (Though there's certainly a need to use careful language, at least for people like me whose job it is to put broken people back together as well as possible- what's heard matters, not just what's intended or even "just" what's said.  If someone's takeaway is "my therapist said I was asking for it," that could be genuinely damaging, so it's important to make it clear that's not the correct takeaway.) 

Anyway, imo, they're looking at what additional things lead to repeated victimization- what else these repeated victims are having, unfairly, tragically, and not purposely- to deal with.  It's not blaming the victims.  It's trying to look at and talk about the full scope off the damage.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 01:19:32 PM by El »
it is well known that PMS Elle is evil.
I think you'd fit in a 12" or at least a 16" firework mortar
You win this thread because that's most unsettling to even think about.