What about just getting hold of some pure (as in undenatured, extremely pure) ethanol.?
There is some on ebay, where I get mine, comes in orange bottles from eastern europe, the bottles are marked with cyrillic, part of it reads 'spiritus ethyilicus' or 'spiritus etylicus' possiblly 'ethylicum/etylicum' and instructions that is is for topical use. It is 95% ethanol, of high purity, the 5% being composed of water. I do not know for certain it is gluten-free, but it is extremely potent and very, very, very little needs to be consumed. A teacup, filled with a couple of inches and THEN DILUTED WITH A NONALCOHOLIC PLEASANT DRINABLE FLUID to about 3/4 of the volume of the cup makes a shot. Pure, it would burn and cause severe stomach pain in anybody. That much, is a dose however, that won't get you drunk, but you better be lying down with the lights out first, because it will make you sloppy-drunk for a couple of minutes, maybe 4-5 minutes, and then you'll wake about 5 or 6 hours later, so you'd dose only maybe from a couple of ml diluted with a shot or so of say, orange juice or whatever you like as a diluent, to 10-15ml if you wanted to get totally, really fucking mangled. If you show me the picture on ebay before buying, I can confirm it is the same stuff. It is not toxic, I know so because aside from using it as a lab solvent, I spent an extra $20 or so to buy a liter so I'd never have to buy taxed alcohol again, and have a supply with which I could get drunk if I didn't use it in the lab before. It is also advertised on ebay as being non-denatured, and marked on the bottle as such (in cyrillic) Just do NOT drink more than a total of 2x1/4 of a teacup, each 1/4 being diluted to most of the teacup full, ideally consumed as a shot, because whilst surprisingly it does not burn like vodka and other similar bought spirit, it is powerful, powerful shit as an intoxicant. The bottles of this precise product are golden-yellow, and are flexible plastic. When diluted it is consumable (undiluted, it is not toxicity, but it is too strong to be consumed undiluted just for the reason that is nearly pure EtOH and will cause a physical burning effect for hours. On NO account consume the equivalent of going back for two half teacup fulls, no matter how diluted, even if you can hold your alcohol like I can, you'll regret it. Powerful, powerful stuff.)
I buy it because its really cheap for ethyl (drinking, at least the type of alcohol most commonly consumed, and that sold in all commercial alcoholic drinks) alcohol, there other, better ones like 2-methyl-butan-2-ol but they all have to be bought either on the grey market 'RC' sites, or as chemical supplies), at about $20 a liter, a tiny bit pricier than one liter of 35-36% vodka, infinitely stronger if someone wanted an intoxicant-grade, consumable alcohol, and with a mere 5% alcohol, being of azeotropic concentration (it cannot be further dehydrated by means of distillation and requires chemical means of removing the last traces of H2O, such as first addition of calcium carbide, vacuum distillation, all done in a drybox ideally, but at least in a flask, and the last traces removed with slowly added calcium hydride under a blanket of dry argon, ideally bubbled first through 100% sulfuric acid, then to remove acid-traces passed through solid calcium oxide [quicklime], then distillation into a flame-dried flask to give absolutely anhydrous alcohol)
But bought, and from the state bought in, diluted, then you could try that if you wished to drink, if you show me the bottle I can ID it as being the same product I myself buy and use for my lab alcohol of drinkable cleanliness. Comes from russia IIRC, possibly poland or perhaps latvia, but given the language, I think the cyrillic is a latinized version of russian.
Its meant for lab use, so it has to be free of other alcohols, like methanol, used to denature untaxed ethanol. As well as ketones like acetone and MEK (methylethyl ketone), pyridine as a stenching agent, none of anything like that in there, only a little water that for pretty much every use I have for pure ethanol and specifically ethanol rather than other alcohols like methanol or 2-propanol (iPA) must be removed, such as for Beaveault-Blanc reduction, which involves adding sodium metal. Where obviously having water present in mostly, highly flammable alcohol would be rather a bad thing to say the very least, adding pieces of metal which burst into flame and potentially explode on contact with air or water to something that contains water. Get THAT wrong, and BOOM.
Good thing about the stuff, is that at 20 a liter, that completely avoids both english tax on alcohol, and also being under the threshold, it is also exempt from customs&excise filth-imposed 'duty' (which is only a 'duty' if you fail in remaining undetected, of course, on items over the monetary threshold they set before they try to rape your wallet in the second asshole they try to carve into it) Dirty fucking bastards.
God...fucking....damn. If there is one thing I HATE, it is customs&excise. Expecting me to just GIVE them my hard-saved money which they have done precisely nothing whatsoever to have a right to possess or to take from me. Those bastards....they are lower than rotting dog shit so full of maggots it wriggles along the ground as if it were a politician.