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Down the "memory hole"
I found amy to be too unpredictable. She must have been seriously hot for gareth to consider getting involved with her. Unless she only showed her true colors to him later, too.
She did seem OK for the most of the time, but suddenly flipped her shit and turned into something resembling the autie version of kim jong...errm...who's the current N.korean psychotic cunt du jour? only without the slant eyes and the nuclear warheads.
rock hound:
I sent a message to gwyfryn, asking for his opinions about this. Since he and I go way back to aspergia. And once, he, Gareth and Amy had a meet up and the pictures looked all cheery and such. Next thing I know he's banned from AFF and AI. When I unbanned him at AI, Crucibelle said, that she had forgotten why she banned him, but, that is was ok that I ubnanned him. Of course by then, AI was circling the drain and shortly there after, AI died. Gwynfryn knows of I2 and has not wanted to join since he and Dunc have a bit of "history". I did tell him that Dunc is no longer the owner. No response yet, haven't hear from him in some time. I respect him and though he and I have differing viewpoints, he and I share many an intellectual viewpoint. And I will always respect intellect.
Gopher Gary:
:plus: For trying to lure members here.
Amy must be REALLY fucking hot, if somebody as generally not-fucking-mental as gareth if willing to not only tolerate being within ten miles of her but actually to impregnate her. Thats something that's going to take an awfully large something by way of justification:P
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