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Down the "memory hole"
Al Swearegen:
Agree with all that
I removed Scrap from the annoy list. Also the sockpuppet, and the other members who haven't been seen in forever.
(Odeon did say it was ok to take Scrap off.)
((Don't fuck this up, though... he's still got his finger on the ban button if there's TOS violation, and I'm not out to defend against that one.))
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Pyraxis on November 08, 2017, 09:02:31 AM ---I removed Scrap from the annoy list. Also the sockpuppet, and the other members who haven't been seen in forever.
(Odeon did say it was ok to take Scrap off.)
((Don't fuck this up, though... he's still got his finger on the ban button if there's TOS violation, and I'm not out to defend against that one.))
--- End quote ---
More than fair. Thankvyou
rock hound:
Did have a last taste of AFF dysfunction on line and some weird shit on FB with Amy going off and then, Gareth freaking out about Amy doing something and then deleting his account from FB. On AFF, Amy deleted goodbye posts like mine which were complimentary, but, for some strange reason, she hated. I have the gut feeling that something was going on between them and the major crap was from Amy.
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: rock hound on November 13, 2017, 07:24:31 PM ---Did have a last taste of AFF dysfunction on line and some weird shit on FB with Amy going off and then, Gareth freaking out about Amy doing something and then deleting his account from FB. On AFF, Amy deleted goodbye posts like mine which were complimentary, but, for some strange reason, she hated. I have the gut feeling that something was going on between them and the major crap was from Amy.
--- End quote ---
Yup Amy was a trainwreck. Gareth had a blindspot with Amy. With everything else, whether I agreed with him or not, he was reasonable and logical ... except Amy
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