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Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: 'andersom' on November 07, 2017, 02:18:36 AM ---And there is the target on her back.

--- End quote ---

What target? Do you know after we left Pikajedi became an Admin and was well respected there as the reasonable Admin of AFF? Amy disliked him and he had to Admin around her and her unhinged mentality kept partially in check by Gareth (who respected Pikajedi). No? Are you creating an intent where this is somehow underhanded? Why Hyke?

I've seen Pikajedi being despised, hated, thrown out of forums in 2008, because of his attempts to save AFF with diplomacy. You were part of those forums too. Whole dramas with max the bear and zakkie.

That's my narrative. That's what I thought of, when I saw you writing that.

One of these in-between forums in 2008 it got so bad that if you let slip that you had been in contact with pika privately, you risked getting kicked out.

Pikajedi did not deserve that target on his back then either.

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: 'andersom' on November 07, 2017, 04:23:36 AM ---Pikajedi did not deserve that target on his back then either.

--- End quote ---

Yet likening Pika the Admin to Pyraxis the Admin, was not uncomplimentary.
Likening Odeon the Admin to Amy Nelson the Admin was uncomplimentary.
Pikajedi was NOT an Admin in 2008. That came much later.
So how was Pikajedi the Admin and in which way was he like Pyraxis now? He was somewhat stifled because Amy would ride roughshod and he would try to enforce the forum rules and with Gareth blessing all the while Amy was doing things on whims and without rationality or honesty or transparency. He was working with what he had and trying not to appear to overrule her or step on her toes.....I give you Pyraxis.
It is hardly uncomplimentary to either Pikajedi or to Pyraxis, yet you have painted this as such.
I like Pika AND he was a very good Admin and under very difficult circumstances.

But tell me how terrible I am please Hyke, I really need that now.


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