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--- Quote from: Lestat on November 06, 2017, 11:18:52 PM ---'Raxy, are you able to dispose of it entirely? not just as applied to kek, but altogether?
--- End quote ---

Yes, but like I said to Al, I'm not inclined to get into a click-war on a forum owned by somebody else who could simply IP-ban me and reinstall it.

If odeon did that (I.e IP ban you, one of our most highly respected members out of all of us, he would have blatantly shown his true colors as a gutless, cowardly, spineless, vengeful little jellyfish.)

And I wasn't talking about taking kek off the abuse (I can't bring myself to call it a mod tool, because it is far beneath anybody worthy of the title. Its the sort of scumbag tactic alex plank would keep around, and use), but because it IS a tool for, and ONLY for, abusing ad harassing people, it needs to go. At the bare minimum I think this should be put to a public vote. Creating false errors by stealth in order to make it difficult for people to use the forum is really fucking low, cowardly and abusive. Its dishonest and shows the person responsible to be a soulless little globule of dogshit, festering away in a shallow pool of stagnant marsh-water and becoming evermore a repugnant stain on the face of the earth. Growing viler and less tolerable the more it is permitted to exist, I.e, the more such foul, base tactics are resorted to, the less worthy of respect the cocksucking faggot responsible grows to be.

Whoever is responsible for it, man the fuck up, bitch. Remove this dishonorable garbage and consign it to the trash where it belongs. Or are we all for abuse being OK on I2, now? (or for that matter, is it only some members who are considered worthy of enjoying the privilege of subjecting users to abuse without consequence, and by backstabbing, when they haven't the courage to stab them in the front, where all can see the actions of the knifeman and judge them accordingly?)

Thats  what it looks like from here.

Also, for 'raxy to have been given cause to fear for herself should she do the right thing and take action when needed and use her mod powers as she sees fit, for her to be afraid to do so, for an I2 member as respected, and as WORTHY of that respect, as Pyraxis, that says an awful lot about those above her in terms of management, and about their honor, and trustworthyness.

Says a fucking lot, that 'Raxy should be afraid of the consequences of acting in such a way as to prevent a method of abuse being used, which is solely designed to enable the few to abuse the many, for the mods to be able to subject the rest of us to sly, backstabbing, underhanded abuse.

If odeon DID re-enable such a feature if 'Raxy removed it, or any other mod with the ability to do so, then he'd be blatantly admifttig that he wants the capacity to be able to slyly, sneakily, janus-facedly backstab members and make forum interaction difficult for those members as a method of punishment or vengeance that he is unprepared to admit to resorting to.

Al Swearegen:
Lestat, Pyraxis is playing Pikajedi to Odeon's Amy Nelson

And there is the target on her back.


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