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i am just wondering how thin i can spread myself.

i also wonder why there?  are their rules.  is he going to have someone else (sean) argue for him?

give me a time and place, i'll be there.  provided it fits into my busy schedule.

also, are there any security concerns i should be aware of.
this seems confusing to me,  i also get the feeling its not on the level.  also that its a setup.
am i the only one?  does this seem strange?

Diva D.  your site has a chatroom, right?  maybe we could meet there.

I think that nitraine is at it. Isnt he part of seans harem?

all i know is that nitraine is the guy i stood up for, then got a warning.


--- Quote from: McJagger on April 18, 2006, 06:45:58 AM ---all i know is that nitraine is the guy i stood up for, then got a warning.

--- End quote ---

Maybe i have him mixed up with someone else then.

I have got the chatroom installed here now, it just wants a little configuring/integrating. I'll do that shortly, and there's a venue.


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