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NEW #intensity channel on

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he's the white dude. ?maybe a marine (haircut) ?wore sunglasses. ?at least it was like that in his avatar/


--- Quote from: McJagger on April 18, 2006, 06:34:04 AM ---i am just wondering how thin i can spread myself.

i also wonder why there?  are their rules.  is he going to have someone else (sean) argue for him?

give me a time and place, i'll be there.  provided it fits into my busy schedule.

also, are there any security concerns i should be aware of.
this seems confusing to me,  i also get the feeling its not on the level.  also that its a setup.
am i the only one?  does this seem strange?

Diva D.  your site has a chatroom, right?  maybe we could meet there.

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it's here:
unfortunately i have to go out right now so won't be able to chat there until this evening. but please try it out, if you like it the script should be simple enough to install on the intensity webhosting (though it was a royal pain to install!), can't remember where i got it now....

words cannot describe my true hatred for IRC >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( it's like all the complexity of a MUD, but with no fun and nothing interesting to do! hmmm... that gives me a good idea.... how about an intensity MUD? then we could have real fighting! ;D

mud wrestling?

Okay, the observant among you may have noticed a chat icon in the menu. The Intensity? chatroom is up now - its got a choice of themes, private chats and the ability to make private rooms, a decent range of features and IRC style commands, so have a play with it. I prefer this one to the other chat scripts I've tried - put feedback in Bug Reports if owt is confusing or doesn't seem to work right.  :)

The chat script is integrated with this site, so you log in and out separately from the board with your usual username/password, but don't have to register.



--- Quote from: duncvis on April 18, 2006, 07:50:45 AM ---Okay, the observant among you may have noticed a chat icon in the menu. The Intensity? chatroom is up now - its got a choice of themes, private chats and the ability to make private rooms, a decent range of features and IRC style commands, so have a play with it. I prefer this one to the other chat scripts I've tried - put feedback in Bug Reports if owt is confusing or doesn't seem to work right.  :)

The chat script is integrated with this site, so you log in and out separately from the board with your usual username/password, but don't have to register.


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  I've tested it and it works- but since I'm not so keen on chatrooms I'll probably only be in there if we have a scheduled chat night  :)


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