I love the addams family. Lol a nickname I used to have for one of my ex fiancees, the older one (older of the two was about 18-19 at the time we were together.) was wednesday, Similarly dark, morbid and gothy. Not as hot as wednesday from the addams family herself, still, attractive (and had at least spectrum traits, or slightly aspie according to her, although not particularly obviously so).
Hilarious viewing too, wednesday and the little boy especially, along with...whatsisface, the bugger that sucked lightbulbs and turned them on..old guy, ugly old git and kinda vulgar, in manner more than words, in a pretty damn funny way, can't remember his name. Not morticia's husband, the uncle i think. The funny thing is, as I kid, if you put on an outer shell of combat pants/boots or big newrock goth boots and lots of spiked leather, what lived in the shell was kinda what you might expect to get if you mixed up the uncle and wednesday addams, particularly with her aloof, detached ways, and the slight delay in response (not developmental, I mean, when she talks in response, she kind of pauses for a moment, considering and calculating before delivery, in her manner. )
That, mixed with the eccentricity and mad scientist bit of the uncle...if the two were mixed and a kid made from the result, that would have been remarkably close to the mark

And I DEFINITELY, at that age, really did like things that sparked, flared, gave off concussive shockwaves or blasted craters into the ground. As a kid I was..not a pyromaniac, and certainly not an arsonist...I was quite an enthusiastic little...hmm...pyromancer...yes, that would fit me back then, pyromancer. Pyromaniac implies a derangement and not being mentally 'all there'. But pyromancer, I think that is much more suitable:D
You can surely imagine it the day I discovered (well, for myself that is, the first time I ever actually PREPARED some by my own hand) white phosphorus. With its eerie phosphorescent mid-dark kind of yellowy-whitish tinged green gloiw, and the way it bursts into flame so easily by the action of air, and coupled with its low melting point, the waxy consistency that enables it to be easily melt-cast under inert gas, as long as it is done with extreme caution (its highly toxic, at least as much, to slightly more so than cyanide [calculated as bioavailable free cyanide anion, C-=N- with a lethal dose of CN- being around 50-60mg and that of white phosphorus perhaps 40mg, although WP is a lot slower to kill, and a burn from the stuff is extremely painful, even in quantities insufficient to kill, and it has a nasty tendency to stick to skin and keep on burning, until it either burns out, burns straight through the exposed body part and out the other side or the afflicted party immerses the part under water to put the fire out whilst they dig the lump or blob of WP out of their fllesh...their arm for instance, around the top of the wrist, and seems to be capable of causing, in incidents involving accidental sublethal exposure causing a burn, neurological sequelae such as muscle weakness and severe motor tremor to borderline paralysis related to the toxicity of the white allotrope of elemental phosphorus rather than the physical burn...)
But, the one relatively speaking, minor mishap aside then there was so much fun to be had. Ever been able to write on things in the dark with it tipped on something, like a stick of chalk, and have your designs glow lurid green, before bursting into a searing white-green flare and burning them into whatever you just drew/wrote them on, becoming visible once your night vision recovers (although its possible to make it just glow, if not enough is applied to autoignite on air contact, takes a fair bit to give it enough mass for the self-heating to make it set itself ablaze)
And it does take a moment for the smoke to clear (burning phosphorus produces massive quantities of phosphorus pentoxide smoke, the acid anhydride of phosphoric acid, P2O5 (although it exists as the dimer P4O10) that is thick, dense, white and opaque, as well as highly corrosive. So it can be a lot of fun but anybody, child or adult must be damned careful with the white form)...but....glowing liquid luminous liquid self-igniting fire and huge clouds of smoke, to somebody with a penchant for chemistry and a child's delight in the world:D
And I presume, given the reference to the nickname 'raxy' (glad you like it my dear:)) that I am considered 'prominent' now then?