
Author Topic: The Tragedy in Las Vegas  (Read 20882 times)

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #390 on: November 19, 2018, 03:18:16 AM »
His machinations in respect to NATO got a bunch of countries who were shamelessly not paying their obligations to pay.

Same as his "dangerous talk" with North Korea. Having a positive effect.

His zero tolerance policy with ISIS being "problematic" but ultimately fine.

His Putin praising whilst arming Ukraine, sanctioning Russia and expelling Russian diplomats.

And yes Theresa May too.

None of this makes him dangerous. It is a boring narrative that only the dishonest promote and the stupid believe.

You actually believe this stuff, don't you? Honestly, I don't know what to say.

And you honestly don't? Honestly, I don't know what to say. Actually I do. You are a dickhead and such sentiments and stupidity is hardly surprising.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #391 on: November 19, 2018, 05:25:24 AM »
There's another side though - the cheeto in chief is probably doing more damage in other ways
than little miss prissy would on his own.
That's vague. Maybe Pence would do a lot more damage and the only real difference would be, more people would like him as a person.

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #392 on: November 19, 2018, 05:50:51 AM »
I don't generally wish people to be killed but in Trump's case, I'm happy to make an exception. The rest of the world would benefit.

Better off how? What has Trump done to the rest of the world that his successor wouldn't perpetuate?  :dunno:

So many reasons, but perhaps most importantly that he's dangerously volatile, a compulsive liar, easily insulted, and not well read. I very much doubt they can find a successor with all of these "qualities".

The Trump administration and Authentic Trump co-exist in an exhausting tension. One day Trump suggests that he might step away from Nato; the next he insists that he would not do so. One day he sides explicitly with Theresa May’s Brexit critics, while her guest; the next he gives her fulsome support. This tension might be manageable so long as the key institutions are not damaged irretrievably, and the situation is not aggravated by some unexpected crisis.

Meanwhile, inflammatory rhetoric and even half-baked policy initiatives still have corrosive effects. They have already changed the way that the country is viewed by those many allies for which the United States was a friend, partner and protector.

A politician who lies and talks out of both sides of their mouth? Go figure. The stuff you said and quoted seems mostly about people being offended, why people don't like him, or how the world views the US. That's not a good reason to call for death.  :dunno:

This combination is a very dangerous one, to your country and to pretty much the entire globe.

Now you wish him dead to save me too?  :orly:  At least give me one example of something deserving of death, because if you don't then you're basically saying you wish him dead because he's a dummy poopy head sensitive liar who makes the US look bad.  :dunno:

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #393 on: November 19, 2018, 05:53:46 AM »
That was good article, and it does identify something Trump has done to the rest of the world. He's made them nervous, but personally think that could be happening with or without him. It's easy to associate the actions of a country to the leader, but this article identifies that unease is based in actions of the US as a nation, which may speak to the direction of the future even after Trump is no longer in office. The author recognizes, while Trump may say things to question contributions from allies and if alliances serve US interests, the big picture may be more about the world adjusting to the US taking a less active world leadership role. Have long said the US has had a role to play over the past two decades, a role as the bad guy. While the US has been long and harshly criticized as the bad-guy busy-body who should mind their own business, this article seems to speculate that era may be winding to an end, and other countries may be nervous at the idea of the US not minding their business for them. Maybe it's not such a bad thing.


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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #394 on: November 19, 2018, 06:10:33 AM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
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Offline Jack

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #395 on: November 19, 2018, 05:15:39 PM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #396 on: November 19, 2018, 06:03:05 PM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

I don't believe that Odeon is actively planning or encouraging the assassination of Trump. In this context it's a bit of rhetoric, the sort that you tend to see and hear a lot about politicians and public figures.

While the United States, through its agencies and proxies, carries out actual assassinations on a regular basis.

Sorry, it does still seem a little precious to express such outrage about one while saying nothing about the other.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

Offline Gopher Gary

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #397 on: November 19, 2018, 06:46:57 PM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

I don't believe that Odeon is actively planning or encouraging the assassination of Trump. In this context it's a bit of rhetoric, the sort that you tend to see and hear a lot about politicians and public figures.

While the United States, through its agencies and proxies, carries out actual assassinations on a regular basis.

Sorry, it does still seem a little precious to express such outrage about one while saying nothing about the other.

What outrage? I gave him a thumbs down for saying it. If it had been some other members here who said it, then I might not have reacted. I've never seen Odeon say something like that, and even he said he doesn't generally wish people dead, so if he was only spouting rhetoric then he can say so. I think genuinely wishing people dead is usually a really emotional thing, but that's probably because I've only ever wished one person dead and I'm very emotionally invested in that wish. I don't have to agree with murder to understand that other people believe there are good reasons why people should be dead. Maybe I just don't want to walk away from this conversation thinking Odeon is simply too emotionally invested in my president, so I'm asking for a reason. Don't don't exaggerate this to imply I'm accusing Odeon of planning anything. I'm communicating with Odeon the only way I know how, and I feel certain my precious outrage isn't harming his precious feelings at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother, because he might wish me dead.  :zoinks:

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #398 on: November 19, 2018, 08:18:27 PM »
His machinations in respect to NATO got a bunch of countries who were shamelessly not paying their obligations to pay. mean no longer trusting the US, and considering their own super-power sized military to be able to directly challenge us?

Same as his "dangerous talk" with North Korea. Having a positive effect.

For the fearless leader yes. Not sure I see what value was gained other than some rather vague platitudes.

His zero tolerance policy with ISIS being "problematic" but ultimately fine.

Has helped extend Russian power in the Middle East. Has weakened our own position, vis a vis both
Russia and Iran. But that was a cluster fuck anyhow. I don't blame him too much for losing whatever
there might actually have been to gain.

At least (at the cost to the Kurds) Turkey wouldn't completely fall into the Russian camp - except for
Trump's mishandling of the Saudi relationship. He's managing to put himself in a position of supporting
a lucrative opportunity for his family, in exchange for a(nother?) cornerstone of the Western barrier to Russia.

His Putin praising whilst arming Ukraine, sanctioning Russia and expelling Russian diplomats.

Maybe. Though the anti-Russian actions at least seem to have happened over his objections.
If I believed he had more brains than the snack he looks like...

The same could have been done without giving Putin blowjobs (or whatever).

And yes Theresa May too.

Dunno much 'bout her. She seems a windbag, at best. Probably not in power for long.

None of this makes him dangerous. It is a boring narrative that only the dishonest promote and the stupid believe.

He's only not dangerous because he's fairly incompetent. Yet, there is still the danger that people
won't take him at his words, and assume that all the lousy lying means he doesn't mean the
musings (and in some cases ranting) on establishing the destruction of democratic institutions,
along with finding natural alliances with dictatorships rather than those who shared the prior
ideology of the US.

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #399 on: November 19, 2018, 08:40:52 PM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

I don't believe that Odeon is actively planning or encouraging the assassination of Trump. In this context it's a bit of rhetoric, the sort that you tend to see and hear a lot about politicians and public figures.

While the United States, through its agencies and proxies, carries out actual assassinations on a regular basis.

Sorry, it does still seem a little precious to express such outrage about one while saying nothing about the other.

I just do not believe it to be wise to even muse about the assassination of a sitting United States President.

Just so that I can go on record here, I do not have anything to do with any conspiracy involving any harm to any individual, and most especially not any officer of our government sworn to uphold out constitution.

I would never harm anyone with the possible exception of one who is directly threatening my own personal safety or that of my family.

This shit is getting weird, guys!!  Your threats will not be taken lightly by those involved in making sure that kind of thing never happens.

I am out of this.
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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #400 on: November 20, 2018, 12:21:40 AM »
I don't generally wish people to be killed but in Trump's case, I'm happy to make an exception. The rest of the world would benefit.

Better off how? What has Trump done to the rest of the world that his successor wouldn't perpetuate?  :dunno:

So many reasons, but perhaps most importantly that he's dangerously volatile, a compulsive liar, easily insulted, and not well read. I very much doubt they can find a successor with all of these "qualities".

The Trump administration and Authentic Trump co-exist in an exhausting tension. One day Trump suggests that he might step away from Nato; the next he insists that he would not do so. One day he sides explicitly with Theresa May’s Brexit critics, while her guest; the next he gives her fulsome support. This tension might be manageable so long as the key institutions are not damaged irretrievably, and the situation is not aggravated by some unexpected crisis.

Meanwhile, inflammatory rhetoric and even half-baked policy initiatives still have corrosive effects. They have already changed the way that the country is viewed by those many allies for which the United States was a friend, partner and protector.

A politician who lies and talks out of both sides of their mouth? Go figure. The stuff you said and quoted seems mostly about people being offended, why people don't like him, or how the world views the US. That's not a good reason to call for death.  :dunno:

This combination is a very dangerous one, to your country and to pretty much the entire globe.

Now you wish him dead to save me too?  :orly:  At least give me one example of something deserving of death, because if you don't then you're basically saying you wish him dead because he's a dummy poopy head sensitive liar who makes the US look bad.  :dunno:

No, I'm not trying to save you, but what happens to the US affects the entire world.

I could give you a number of reasons, from his enabling of Putin to him wanting to build more nukes again. Or why not his trade wars that do little to help his country but affect the whole world? Any number of things he does to destabilise the entire world.

Or why not discuss his climate policies? Leaving an agreement that needs to be followed up, not ignored? Seriously?

I can think of few people more deserving of a bullet. Certainly, him being the target of the next gun nutter (give it a few days, it will happen) rather than a dozen innocent people would not make me lose any sleep.

If it only was about him making the US look bad. ::)
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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #401 on: November 20, 2018, 12:22:40 AM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

Let's take the ultimate what if: What if you'd have this one chance to kill Hitler in 1919 or so?
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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #402 on: November 20, 2018, 12:32:11 AM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

I don't believe that Odeon is actively planning or encouraging the assassination of Trump. In this context it's a bit of rhetoric, the sort that you tend to see and hear a lot about politicians and public figures.

While the United States, through its agencies and proxies, carries out actual assassinations on a regular basis.

Sorry, it does still seem a little precious to express such outrage about one while saying nothing about the other.

What outrage? I gave him a thumbs down for saying it. If it had been some other members here who said it, then I might not have reacted. I've never seen Odeon say something like that, and even he said he doesn't generally wish people dead, so if he was only spouting rhetoric then he can say so. I think genuinely wishing people dead is usually a really emotional thing, but that's probably because I've only ever wished one person dead and I'm very emotionally invested in that wish. I don't have to agree with murder to understand that other people believe there are good reasons why people should be dead. Maybe I just don't want to walk away from this conversation thinking Odeon is simply too emotionally invested in my president, so I'm asking for a reason. Don't don't exaggerate this to imply I'm accusing Odeon of planning anything. I'm communicating with Odeon the only way I know how, and I feel certain my precious outrage isn't harming his precious feelings at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother, because he might wish me dead.  :zoinks:

To clarify, yes, it's rhetoric - I am not planning anything - but I truly and honestly believe that the world would massively benefit from him dying. A bullet, a massive cardiac event, a banana peel on the top the stairs, I don't really care how.

I can think of few other world leaders whose demise would help as much. In China, one would be replaced by another. Plenty of people to replace Putin. Kim? What he does affects a country, not the globe, and he'd be replaced by someone else like him.


He is uniquely positioned, and while there are plenty of scumbag politicians around - I only need to look at my country - he's one of the few who has the right combination of populism, bigotry and hatred, and quite possibly mental issues who can destroy so much by the virtue of his day job.
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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #403 on: November 20, 2018, 12:39:47 AM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

I don't believe that Odeon is actively planning or encouraging the assassination of Trump. In this context it's a bit of rhetoric, the sort that you tend to see and hear a lot about politicians and public figures.

While the United States, through its agencies and proxies, carries out actual assassinations on a regular basis.

Sorry, it does still seem a little precious to express such outrage about one while saying nothing about the other.

I just do not believe it to be wise to even muse about the assassination of a sitting United States President.

Just so that I can go on record here, I do not have anything to do with any conspiracy involving any harm to any individual, and most especially not any officer of our government sworn to uphold out constitution.

I would never harm anyone with the possible exception of one who is directly threatening my own personal safety or that of my family.

This shit is getting weird, guys!!  Your threats will not be taken lightly by those involved in making sure that kind of thing never happens.

I am out of this.

DD, while the man is surely listening, nobody is planning anything here. No threats. To be absolutely clear: I'm not going to murder anyone. I'm not a murderer, end of.

But I wouldn't mind if the next gun nutter targeted the president of the United States - Trump - rather than some innocent churchgoer or high school student.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: The Tragedy in Las Vegas
« Reply #404 on: November 20, 2018, 12:52:21 AM »
The US, through its agencies and proxies, regularly assassinates people who are far less dangerous than Trump. So isn't it just a little precious to be outraged when someone suggests that assassinating Trump might not be so bad?
In short, no it's not. Rationalizing unjustifiable acts by justifying then with unjustifiable acts is a very strange argument to make.

Let's take the ultimate what if: What if you'd have this one chance to kill Hitler in 1919 or so?
Is this meant to compare Trump to Hitler? :laugh: Though to answer the question, no.