I think most of us don't even bother mentioning our race and colour, perceiving it as irrevant., and also, not wishing to pigeonholed on the basis of external appearance, but rather on the contents of our minds.
Also a good number of the women choose names that don't give any hint about their gender. Then we pounce on people who assume that we're men (which is almost everyone) . I've done that myself...and also made erroneous assumptions myself.
I think that negative prejudice towards any kind of "out group" is actually pretty unusual in the spazz community, cos we're all ousiders, after all. But people can't help building up a mental picture of somebody, and surely nobody's free of cognitive bias, which forms the basis of what we call "prejudice" . It's interesting to watch that in action. And then there's paranoia, which complicates the picture further. And the white people often hate white people, on account of seldf-loathing and collective guilt. Same goes for some blacks, but without the guilt. And a lot of the women have a great deal of of distrust towards women, which comes from having mothers, and being bullied by other girsls at school, and the old self-loathing again, ofc.
All-in-all , i've no idea how far you say is true, DFG. I do sympathise FWIW, but see no reason to trust your judgment.
At present you're acting like a malevolent troll, irrespective of your race etc. That's my over-riding impression of you, ATM. Understanding that you're Mexican doesn't enhance my sympathy much. Should it?