There's a good article why comparing the Antifa and the Neo-Nazi's is like comparing apples to oranges. I'm in no way supportive of the Antifa because they're militant as well.
No it is absolutely apples and apples. Both groups came in with bad intent and the righteous indignation reserved for ideological zealots.
They both sought violence and disruption. In what ensued, a man within the group, who was previously discharge from the army due to "mental problems", followed the horrible pattern of driving cars into people.
The result of violent intent was violence. it was not that what both sudes did beforehand was okay but he stepped over the line, any more than his hate and killing is justified by his mental issues. Its all horrid.
It should all be condemned.
Likewise I think that trying to minimise or negate threat or extremism of any group or ideology based on historical data is disingenuous of the reporter.
The biggest fighting force in the world is the italians...or at least was a few thosand years ago. I am not interest in who threatened whom in the past 25 years, historically. Threats of the past are not necessarily threata today. Antifa are and have been a bigger threat in the last 12 months than they were 25 years ago.
Right Wing white supremacists are a threat too both group are in their thousands and both are dangerous. both need to be equally condemned and acted on.