Dia de los muertos...THATs the name I was searching for. Was on the mental 'tip of the tongue' and I couldn't damn remember it at the time. Was thinking of the candy skulls too

As for all saints day...isn't that just a repackaged version of all hallow's eve?
Which is in itself, a bastardization of samhain (pronounced sow-aihn' (the 'aih' voiced as in 'hay' rather than as in 'eye'), by christianization basically thieving and dressing over pre-xtian 'heathen' and 'heretical' beliefs. Damnable bunch, early xtians, they claim to worship the one true god, call him the lord of all things good, unable to sin or do wrong, be all-loving, yet damns souls to eternal burning in hell if they don't kiss his arse, or commits genocide (I.e the sending of the angel of death to genocide the egyptian people's
first-born, including men, women and children all.
Love thy neighbor...unless this, that or the other, then stone them to death, burn them, genocide their children etc. Be nice....like your loving god, or your loving god will turn your soul over to the devil to roast in boiling lava for all time.